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Ethiopia diverts the Nile for Dh17bn dam, alarming countries downstream

They did not sign it , their great grandfathers signed it.
So tell me one thing, if your grandfathers would have signed a treaty which gives 80% right of your oil to another country would you accept it?

My forefathers weren't stupid but the Ethiopians are :D
To the ethiopian, learn your history google italian empire. The Italians annexed you guys. Also Egypt has threatened to bomb dams before again google is your friend. Lastly you guys are planning on seeking a loan you guys dont have enough funds you can just read this article for that one.

Oh yeah and Egyptian army is strongest in the whole of Africa and even Algeria and South Africa has better forces than you guys. Lets be realistic here.
They can't fund a damn thing bro don't worry and Egypt along with her allies will wipe it out, if they can complete %10 of it.
Yzd Khalifa, I thought you were the man with wisdom, what is all this cries for war about? Do you think, it is right for Egypt and Sudan to have 80% of the Nile water right and the rest of the bordering country the reminder, because an old treaty...Ethiopia have several long wars under its belt and to this day Ethiopian troops are in high demand in every corner of Africa for peace purposes. Egypt can't fight that war, nor Sudan with or without the help of their allies.

We can annalaite their ENTIRY airforce with our typhoons. :lol:

No you can't.
Egypt AF is powerfull enough, they do not need any help if its about military action, though it will not happen, the US does not allow these things.

Egypt is not going to attack Ethiopia over water right...they will negociate a solution. Egypt does not have that capability and will have to face uncle sam veto over the use of its military equipment..

We can handle the US :D
You are giving KSA too much credit my friend, come back to earth with us.
Definitely. Egyptian AF is better but Ethiopian AF is not that weak.



Flankers are pretty tough. :x

Egypt has ballistic missiles that could easily destroy the dam , there will be no war Just bombing the dam not big deal , but Egypt will not take action now , they will wait till the dam is build then bomb it , because at that time northern Ethiopia will flood in water.

Egypt has secured a base in Sudan only 40 km from the nile source Taka valley where the dam exists . This wount be a war as ethiopia cannot reach Egypt , it has to pass through sudan .

You also forget Eritrea a country Egypt supported to gain independence from Ethiopia back in 1990 , that country is also situated close to the nile source.

Egypt will not take action now , it will have to wait 5-8 years till the dam is filled and then strike to get rid of ethiopia once and for all.
No, but the US will understand that Egypt will be in deep trouble if the project continued. Even KSA and Turkey will support Egypt, mark my word ;)
Supporting Egypt , yes, pushing Egypt to war over water...that's is insane, as there is a lot of room to negociate...
Egypt is not going to attack Ethiopia over water right...they will negociate a solution. Egypt does not have that capability and will have to face uncle sam veto over the use of its military equipment..

You are giving KSA too much credit my friend, come back to earth with us.

Egyptians will not kill themselves for the sake of uncle sam or Ethiopia , either the ethiopians give a better deal , or the dam will be destroyed .

Egypt before destroyed dam equipments sent to Ethiopia in 1976 , at the time of " SADAT ".

Egypt has to wait till the dam is filled enough so that when they strike northern ethiopia gets flood .
Egypt AF is powerfull enough, they do not need any help if its about military action, though it will not happen, the US does not allow these things.

Egyptians will not kill themselves for the sake of USA , this is water , that means live and Egypt does not have oil or gas like other countries to import food , they will hit Ethiopia once Egyptians in the streets start protesting for the lack of water.

The side effects of this project will start after 2020 , by that time Egyptians would have build them their own capacity and infastructure to destroy it .

There is now a lot of tolerance around the world concerning attacking other country , Bachar until now killed 80 thousand people using all sorts of weapons including ballistic and chemical weapons yet everyone is watching so what is the deal when Egypt bombs down a god damn dam ?

America is becoming less involved in world affairs especially when it comes to areas that has neither oil or gas.
Ethiopians will turn Egypt into a rogue state on them , there are many cards that Egypt could play in Ethiopia starting from supporting the various rebel groups operating there and sending Terrorist groups to bomb various important areas inside Ethiopia.

Egyptian secret intelligence has close links with various terrorist islamic organisations around the world and they will start utilizing them on ethiopia , never to forget rebel groups in somalia and oromo rebels .

This issue will take a few years to be solved .
I dont know why they get 80% but maybe cause they are the end user or something,if someone could explain?

The thing about this Dam is supposed to be built for electricity generation , Egypt did not object on building the dam but rather on how much water the dam will hold behind .

The Dam effects on Egypt and Sudan will take time to come , at least 10 years , so Egyptians have time to negotiate and at the same time prepare for an air-strike on that dam .

Sudan has given Egypt an air-base only 40 km away from where that dam is located and Egyptian commandos trained there several times before .

This will not be a war, Just one air-strike if negotiations fail at the end and Ethiopia does not share borders with Egypt to retaliate anyway , the country military performance is a Joke , lately they had a war with a country called Eritrea with only a population of 5.4 million , and during a 9 month combact they lost over 5000 soldiers.

eritrea is even militarly weaker than ethiopia.

Actually this event is a big chance for Egypt to form a confederation with Sudan , Sudan is a country half the size of Europe and rich in soil and agricultural land , if this works out it will certainly change a lot of things for Egypt.
You think Morsi cares about the US,if the nations watersource is in danger ?
Would you care?
What if Turkey stopped your water supply?

they are busy killing each other, they wount even realize you cut it .
Dude your very delusional nobody is scared of the Saudi army except the Swiss Guards in the Vatican.... It took a Gay British dude( Lawrence of Arabia) to free you from Ottomon rule... haha man the jokes write themselves.
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