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  1. Qara Bogha

    Karzai blames foreigners for corruption

    Haha! Good one. By Khar-zai's own logic he should, himself, be counted as a foreigner.
  2. Qara Bogha

    After Islamophobic Hate Crime in New York City, Mayor Wants Public to ‘Keep

    If you have any notion of history you would know that "badges" carry a not so pleasant reference. Just read about Dachau, Buchenwald and many more such places. Self identifying as being a part of a group (ethnic, religious etc.) with visible markers has not worked in the past to counter the...
  3. Qara Bogha

    Comparison| Pakistani,Iranian,Afghan,Indian,Bangali food.

    As mentioned in this thread, Turkish food can be really spicy. Yes Gazianteppe style but have some Adana kebab sometime and you may be smoking from both ends. Western Turkish food (if there is such a thing) is outstanding but milder. The Turks being surrounded by sea on three sides also do fish...
  4. Qara Bogha

    What Are You Listening to Right Now - Round 2

    Lyrics in Wolof and French translation Tiken Jah Fakoly - Allah Lyrics Lyrics to Allah : Allah yé zon, gnê môgô lou son Allah yé zon, gnê hinin môgô lou la Allah kanson mbé môgô lou son Allah kan son mbé hinin môgô lou la nafolo ma gni, nafolo ma gni n'go na ma kê mi koun yé o kan mé, ko na...
  5. Qara Bogha

    What Are You Listening to Right Now - Round 2

    Tiken Jah Fakoly from Ivory Coast, sings West African Reggae Tiken Jah Fakoly - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Tiken Jah Fakoly singing "Mon pays va mal" Tiken singing "Allah yé zon" This is beautiful
  6. Qara Bogha

    Iranian Music, Movies | Cultural discussions

    Davoud Azad, Rumi poem: "Rendan salamat mikonand...". Shajarian singing Hafez "Roz-e vasl-e doostdaran yad bad"
  7. Qara Bogha

    Iranian Music, Movies | Cultural discussions

    Shajarian, Lotfi and many ustads. If you like classical music. Shajarian singing "Morgh-e Sahar"
  8. Qara Bogha

    Kya Dilli Kya Lahore - Satire News if India and Pakistan were untied

    Manmohan, May I ask why you are masquarading as a black sikh? Are you part of some Civil Rights Movement in your Rashtra? Do you have your own MLK? Enquiring minds want to know. AND? Please let us know about "predictions" of the next 10 years. Until then your monkey is gonna hurt yo A** As...
  9. Qara Bogha

    Kya Dilli Kya Lahore - Satire News if India and Pakistan were untied

    Negrito Manmohan, Who "predicted" that? What was the basis of this "prediction?" Where is the reference of "your media" talking about it?" Who is "maulana kalam" and why should his opinion matter at all? Maybe "maulana kalam" had reached his "time" (wink, wink). Your repeating that someone...
  10. Qara Bogha

    Kya Dilli Kya Lahore - Satire News if India and Pakistan were untied

    The first thing you should know is about logic. The claim of "unification" is made by the OP who is an Indian, anyrandom. Or at least he pretends to be one. So where does your "dangerous" crap come from? Do I have to sit you down and give you a basic lesson in deductive logic? And if you...
  11. Qara Bogha

    Kya Dilli Kya Lahore - Satire News if India and Pakistan were untied

    Remind me, why are you here?
  12. Qara Bogha

    Kya Dilli Kya Lahore - Satire News if India and Pakistan were untied

    WTF is a "correct prediction?" Is it something akin to pulling a monkey outta yo azz? Is it based on any evidence or do you simply pull it outta yo azz? AND, in your esteemed opinion, what evidence at that time was available for your soothsayers to predict that? If you answer in geopolitical...
  13. Qara Bogha

    One liners :)

    "When I get hungry, I eat." Famous Sri Lankan phrase.
  14. Qara Bogha

    Kya Dilli Kya Lahore - Satire News if India and Pakistan were untied

    Are you suggesting that your leaders were able to predict the future? That would be far reaching indeed and a first of any kind. No other nation has been able able to achieve that except your jyotshi leaders. Did they also foresee the demise of the Soviet Union? Or are you just fixated on your...
  15. Qara Bogha

    Kya Dilli Kya Lahore - Satire News if India and Pakistan were untied

    You are not an Infidel. You just pretend to be one to fool yourself.
  16. Qara Bogha

    Kya Dilli Kya Lahore - Satire News if India and Pakistan were untied

    We would all be drinking "masala tea" instead of Tapal danedar chai. :no:
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