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  1. LostWanderer

    Pakistan - Short of Water??

    Interesting article by a hydrology PhD. Would love to see comments and criticism on his assumptions.. ------------------------------------- SHORT OF WATER? Hassan Abbas June 28, 2018 The writer is an expert in hydrology and water resources. ‘PAKISTAN will run out of water by 2025’ or...
  2. LostWanderer

    Changes in nomination papers: SC suspends/grants stay on LHC verdict

    It will be a big disappointment if they manage to get away with the scam this time... Forget any progress or vision from this bunch of crooks who colluded such blatantly to protect themselves...
  3. LostWanderer

    Afghan Army Helicopter Lands On Taliban Improvised Explosive Device

    I wonder, of all spots in this whole area, he had to land on this particular one??
  4. LostWanderer

    Pak forces wore 'thermal suits' to avoid detection, kill BSF man on IB?

    Well in a way they did when mentioned wet sack... :laughcry::laughcry::laughcry:
  5. LostWanderer

    Corruption references against me are punishment for treason case against Musharraf, Nawaz tells cour

    Not yet!! He will not tell about offers he made to others to resign and stop cases against him..
  6. LostWanderer

    Pak forces wore 'thermal suits' to avoid detection, kill BSF man on IB?

    Not that we are happy to have lost in 1971 but read some history or stay current on news.. ONLY country to have lost territory? Indonesia? Sudan? Yugoslavia? Not to forget the USSR!!! Lets also see what do we have here involving us... USSR in Afghanistan? USA headache in Afghanistan that you...
  7. LostWanderer

    If I am a traitor form a commission against me, demands Nawaz

    The electables are leaving PMLN (a.ka. Nawaz Sharif) in droves. Here's my view on one of the election day scenarios. - What if the new candidates from PMLN then give their heart out and win majority in case the disgust against turncoats actually shows up on election day? - I recall a local...
  8. LostWanderer

    PML-N legislators wary of Nawaz’s belligerence

    Nothing is impossible or written off in politics. I suspect the new candidates after PMLN turncoats will have a much more determined and strong show up from the hardcore PMLN supporters. If we believe US/India/Israel is supporting him as well then be ready for high-tech data analysis based...
  9. LostWanderer

    If I am a traitor form a commission against me, demands Nawaz

    No point in making a commission if its report will also be kept secret and shelved like Model Town incident report. Can anyone here please list the fire incidents in record rooms of various govt. departments in Punjab like LDA??
  10. LostWanderer

    Russia Test fires a Hypersonic missile.

    That's interesting!! Can you please elaborate?
  11. LostWanderer

    If I am a traitor form a commission against me, demands Nawaz

    May be but I don't think Army would have been interested as institution in taking sides here, that is up until now. This one gaffe (or calculated move) may change a lot of things I guess.
  12. LostWanderer

    Russia Test fires a Hypersonic missile.

    Putin is ex-KGB and its human nature not to forget a defeat as humiliating as USSR dissolution. If you are a person as proud as Putin is, rest assured he will try to get back to those he thinks are responsible for that suffering. I won't rule out an actual use of this against US if needed.
  13. LostWanderer

    If I am a traitor form a commission against me, demands Nawaz

    The guy or his daughter don't seem to have it in themselves to be so determined and resilient. They are coming up with new and more powerful responses over the last 1 year which makes one think they are supported by someone very powerful and resourceful. When you look at public perception, no...
  14. LostWanderer

    Russia Test fires a Hypersonic missile.

    Russian hypersonic glide vehicle Avangard, which the United States is currently unable to defend against, is expected to enter Russia's arsenal by 2020.
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