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  1. Nadal

    Rise of China and India could spark UK 'unrest'

    It seems that United Kingdom doesn't accept that USA >>> China, Russia > India >> any other one state in the World including UK
  2. Nadal

    Scotland plans for independence

    Andy Murray will be no longer British Grand Slam tennis winner!
  3. Nadal

    China Bars Turkic Uighur Scholar From Traveling to the US.

    Chinese government is overreacting. 伊力哈木 is not Uyghur secessionist.
  4. Nadal

    China’s Myanmar Problem

    Don't forget Kachin 克欽族 = Jingpo 景頗族 in China When Myanmar turns to Western, Kachin turns to China Wa state (Va people), Kakong (Han Chinese whose ancestry fleet to Myanmar in Ming Dynasty) are pro-China.
  5. Nadal

    How East Asian Flag could look like

    Background : Russia S. Korea, Japan ROC (Taiwan), Macau SAR PRC (Mainland China), Hong Kong SAR, N. Korea, Mongolia
  6. Nadal

    How East Asian Flag could look like

    Russian East Asia
  7. Nadal

    Disintegration of China because of economic collapse?

    The left Maoist enjoy personal attack!
  8. Nadal

    Disintegration of China because of economic collapse?

    You Chinese Lefty FQ are joking, you enjoy your freedom outside but don't allow Mainland China to be free! Don't call White master, I have no White master, but you have (Marx, Lenin)
  9. Nadal

    Disintegration of China because of economic collapse?

    Are you living in Canada? I know most of Chinese FQ living in US and Canada and claim that they are patriotic to China! Why they still live in the evil Western White states?
  10. Nadal

    Disintegration of China because of economic collapse?

    Mainlander paranoid, get out of the Earth!
  11. Nadal

    Disintegration of China because of economic collapse?

    We don't care this Mainlander want to be respected, you must first respect others. Actually, many people outside China don't like Mainlander and Mainland China.
  12. Nadal

    Disintegration of China because of economic collapse?

    I strongly suggest Swapping Chinese Extremely Left Maoist for NK defectors.
  13. Nadal

    Disintegration of China because of economic collapse?

    Send all Extreme Left Maoist Chinese to NK, they should enjoy what is real Maoism.
  14. Nadal

    China, Japan, Vietnam & Korea

    Malay vented people (UMNO, politician, islamists, racists) don't like Malaysian Chinese, however, three former still need financial and vote support from MC.
  15. Nadal

    China, Japan, Vietnam & Korea

    Definitely, less Malaysian Chinese (mostly Cantonese, Teochew, Hakka, Hokkien (Fujianese)) have intermarriage with Malay. Even though Malaysian Indian (mostly Tamil) do so.
  16. Nadal

    China, Japan, Vietnam & Korea

    1. Many Mainland Chinese enjoy extreme left Maoism, some Mainland members here are example. 2. Malaysian Chinese like Chinese cultures, but not Marxism and Leninism. Malaysian look like Taiwanese rather than Mainlanders.
  17. Nadal

    Disintegration of China because of economic collapse?

    Some stupid guy like you to appreciate Left Maoists like Bo Xilai. No one can be called greatest! I know there are many FQ as you in mainland enjoy Extremely Left Maoism like Bo Xilai.
  18. Nadal

    Korea to accelerate the deployment of Beijing striking missile

    There is No Kando. Indian and Korean are trolls .
  19. Nadal

    Korea to accelerate the deployment of Beijing striking missile

    Korean usually claim Qing is Korean Dynasty :woot:
  20. Nadal

    Korea to accelerate the deployment of Beijing striking missile

    South Korean should worry NK wiped out of the World map.
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