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    Indian-origin Israeli soldier killed in Gaza offensive

    Every Jew (does not matter in which part/country he/she lives in) his/her loyalty is with Israel and he/she will shed his/her blood for "HOLY LAND" whenever needed.
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    Everybody here is calling burqa against human rights and forced upon women. By making law what are u so called "MODERTE" people doing: forcing those who want to wear burqa, not to wear it. I can understand the women u know dont want to wear burqa or any kind or veil at all, but everybody is not...
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    Palestinian Muslims Praying in Gaza Churches

    Israelis have been bombing mosques and houses frequently. The only refuge for these homeless people is in churches because they know israel at this state will not want to loose their support of christians by bombing churches as well, and the idiots here are calling it open mindedness. By the...
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    Saudi Arabian Air, Land, Naval Forces & SANG

    There is a big difference between having a weapon and using it. In 2nd Arab-Israel war, arabs had a lot more weapons that israel and everybody knows the result.
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    i believe at least in British rule no one is forcing these women to wear burqa.If they dont want to wear burqa then they should not wera it. But why forcing others (who want to wear burqa) not to wear burqa, by making a law against it. Then these people are extremists on their own part and call...
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    Is India Building Thermonuclear Weapons?

    ISI sponsored news??? What do u think ISI is a news channel?? The blast yield of thermonuclear test was about 4-5 times less than that of expected because thermonuclear weapon requires nuclear weapon to start. the blast yield produced was due to nuclear part, not due to thermonuclear part. Now...
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    Pakistan moves ahead of India in nuclear stockpile

    Well in nuclear stockpile race as well ,Pakistan is lagging miles and miles from India. All sources claiming otherwise are BULLSHITTING. India has 100s time more weapon grade material production than that of Pakistan.
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    Is India Building Thermonuclear Weapons?

    India conducted nuclear test in 1974. The tests conducted in 1998 were thermonuclear, but failed. Well, its been 16 years since then. I think you should test it to confirm the operational capability, before you fire it on some other country and it fails again.
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    Pakistan's War

    I think the title should have been "War on Terror" etc. This is not Pakistan's War. We must get out of this rather rather keep fighting. Mushuraf and US pushed Pakistan into this mess and now we should try to get of it. The title "Pakistan's War" suggests that we do not want to get of this mess...
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    Saudi Arabian Air, Land, Naval Forces & SANG

    Somebody please tell Saudis, In war good skill of using weapons is a lot more important than just buying good weapons.
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    Top TTP commander Maulvi Faqir captured in Afghanistan: officials

    noooooo... plz doant do this... Our courts have history of releasing criminals even if they are captured with suicide jackets....claiming 'NOT ENOUGH EVIDENCE'.
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    Delhi gang-rape survivor dies in Singapore!

    Whatever happened to that girl was terrible.. Can anybody please tell me where was this media when thousands of Muslim women were raped and slaughtered in Gujrat and Aasaam genocides..... Now whole wold media is crying over one rape victim.... To democratic India!!!!!!!!
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    Why Hindu community leaving pakistan?

    Yeah, they feel insecure i Pakistan (where there are no occasions of genocide) Can you please tell me something about security of Muslims in India which has repeated history of Muslims genocide. And lastly, if poverty can lead to suicide why can't it lead to leave some country when you only...
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    Pakistani Hindus | All Discussions

    Yeah, they feel insecure i Pakistan (where there are no occasions of genocide) Can you please tell me something about security of Muslims in India which has repeated history of Muslims genocide. And lastly, if poverty can lead to suicide why can't it lead to leave some country when you only...
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    Former Mossad head: Iran should fear next 12 weeks

    Another bluff from Israel, trying to stop Iran.....
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    Turkey begins work on ICBM

    I think they want to develop the missile with range of 2500km range and ICBMs are above 7000km. This is medium range ballistic missile..... Don't get too excited.....
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    Iran state TV poll reveals Iranians want nuclear programme stopped

    If Israel in the region can have nukes and Americans can use them on Humans, why cans Iran can not have them????
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    Hindu Extremists attacks partygoers in India

    If instead of these were Muslims then whole media would have been crying over it. but now it is protection of culture.....Great theory
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    Iran hails Hezbollah’s victory against Israel in 2006 war

    and why Israel has to call NU (his puppet) for seize fire when for weaks UN kept his mouth shut..... Why is West even supporting Israel?
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    White House briefs Israel on Iran strike plans

    Nuclear Iran is nightmare for Israel.....

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