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  1. Riaz Hussain

    Defence Minister Rajnath Singh performs Shastra Puja of Rafale Jet in Paris

    Is Tejas a shudra jet? That's why you are not using it? Also what is your caste? Are you a shudra?
  2. Riaz Hussain

    Wing Commander Noman Ali Khan & Squadron Leader Hassan Siddqui, MIG-21Bison & SU-30 MKI slayers

    Kills are not always assigned only when there are wreakages found. Kills are also awarded with radar images and pilot and ground witness testimony. If kills are only awarded with only gun cam and wreakages then more than half the kills throughout history would have to be taken off. And there are...
  3. Riaz Hussain

    Wing Commander Noman Ali Khan & Squadron Leader Hassan Siddqui, MIG-21Bison & SU-30 MKI slayers

    Satellite Images are low resolution images. And if the crash happened near tree cover, then nothing will be visible. I mean just release the damn info about the second pilot, WTF is the delay? Then lets prove it is false. Lets release the info about the second pilot. Why are we scared? You do...
  4. Riaz Hussain

    IAF Drama l Radar images proves that Abhinandan downed Pakistan F-16

    Their stupid reporters didnt even bother to ask that simple question. They are asking stupid bollywood questions..they are more worried about abinandhan and his relationship with his wife and kids rather than asking that simple question, what was the reason of the mig-21 going down, in India no...
  5. Riaz Hussain

    27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

    I know what thunders are capable of. let me remind you once you load bombs on to a fighters it simply cannot maneuver that well. that's why when threatened, strike fighters drop their payload/external fuel tanks and then either engage the enemy fighters or egress out of there. basically there...
  6. Riaz Hussain

    27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

    what is that supposed to prove? you do not approve a strike mission without escort when air superiority hasn't been achieved period. every fuckin american thing comes with strings. even israeli airforce cannot sell or modify their american fighters without a nod from them.
  7. Riaz Hussain

    27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

    no they didn't. all you provided is proof of an amraam, which in the best case scenario for you, proves paf lied of not using f-16s. your service chiefs are further extrapolating that by implying since paf lied it must because they dont want to admit losing an aircraft, but let me remind you...
  8. Riaz Hussain

    27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

    There is no "network centric engagement". Until the enemy airforce is neutralized and total air superiority is brought about in the theater, there will always be escorts and wild weasels. that's a standard everywhere. you dont send your boys into a snake pit hoping some cap fighters are out...
  9. Riaz Hussain

    27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

    It doesn't work that way. You don't call escorts for a strike mission "a secondary defensive package" for whatever. Escorts are part of the group which has set out on that strike mission. without them the mission would not have been given the go ahead in the first place. no idiot plans a strike...
  10. Riaz Hussain

    27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

    Hmmmm... All I can say is that we screwed up bigtime in the press conference. We first said 2 planes shot and 'pilots' are with us one in a hospital. Then we went back on our word and changed the story to one pilot. This is very unprofessional. I have been talking to people from other...
  11. Riaz Hussain

    Where is the second pilot

    Was the pilot "promoted" from a Su-30 MKI to a MiG-21 because he was a low caste guy? Several indians are saying that in your bharthis forum. I dont know how your caste works, do you demote people because of low caste and call it promotion? Very weird.
  12. Riaz Hussain

    Debunking Indian claims of F-16 firing AIM-120C AMRAAM

    The flying coffin was surely downed by a JF-17. Bharathis just dont want to admit that.
  13. Riaz Hussain

    Insulting question by TV anchor led to planning of Azad Kashmir surgical strikes, says Manohar Parrikar

    Hahahaha.. Bhindians at it again. They think the rest of the world can be fooled like their bollywood watching idiot population.
  14. Riaz Hussain

    ‘Declare India a Hindu Rashtra’

    These people will go to any lengths to defend their fake country, and its incest loving seex maniac gandhi who they call their father. They are brainwashed into thinking that a big country is good and makes a country strong, but India is not a strong country, its a big obese country. Too fat to...
  15. Riaz Hussain

    Indian Olympics Dream: Rio 2016

    lol another Olympic drama going on. A high caste guy mixed drugs into a low caste wrestling guy's meal and got him banned for 4 years! India is like a soap opera...
  16. Riaz Hussain

    Indian Olympics Dream: Rio 2016

    Yes, in the beginning of this thread they said they will get more than 15 medals. :lol: That's just in the first page. Who knows in 39 pages how outrageously they day dream. Maybe even a 100 medals. Also they are in the news for all the wrong reasons. Did you know their sports minister got a...
  17. Riaz Hussain

    Indian Olympics Dream: Rio 2016

    I meant that in Asia alone, THE TOP 5 or around it. The rest of my points still hold which you conveniently avoid. Very very shameful, and today is your independence day too. hahahahahaha good one!
  18. Riaz Hussain

    Indian Olympics Dream: Rio 2016

    Even Ethiopia have gotten medals! There is a famine there. And the USA swimmer Micheal Phelps has more Medals than your entire country combined starting from early 19th century even before WW2! In 100 years you have gotten less medals than 1 single guy who has taken part in 4 to 5 Olympics I...
  19. Riaz Hussain

    Indian Olympics Dream: Rio 2016

    I hate to break this to you, but pakistan does not care for olympic sports. We dont even give money for such things and it doessnt matter to us. Indians like to be seen by the western powers as an advanced country and have an agenda to perform well in the Olympics. See the number of people you...
  20. Riaz Hussain

    Indian Olympics Dream: Rio 2016

    The questions I raise will not go away!! Just because you run to the Mods like sissies you are, doesn't change the questions AND FACTS I have raised.
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