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  1. F

    Potential Weaknesses of PAF and Possible Solutions

    Love you man. I would let them live in their dream world of "Supremacy" . What an ignorant bunch of #$%&*
  2. F

    Potential Weaknesses of PAF and Possible Solutions

    See the problem is our economy and hold of PA on major part of the defense budget. Economy can't get better unless until we get educated and we can't get educated unless until we get rid of the corrupts, feudal and insincere political leadership. And I mean "get rid of' in an historical and...
  3. F

    Potential Weaknesses of PAF and Possible Solutions

    Thanks Appreciate it. Yarr Najam sahib I have one concern. Aren't we are disclosing too much information about our baby?
  4. F

    Potential Weaknesses of PAF and Possible Solutions

    Okay Since this is a kind of general thread too so I have some questions about 4th generation and 4.5 generation fighters and where could one put JF-17. Before I ask my question I want to humbly declare that I don't have science or engineering back ground like most of participants of PDF. I...
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    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 4]

    Can any body be kind enough (and please consider I am an Idiot) to point any thing insulting towards anybody from my side. AlsoIs JFT block II coming out this year?
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    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 4]

    Ghazily Bhai: Thank you very much for being an older brother but I believe I am older then you are. Well any way I just want to know for last 2 weeks what comments have I made about JFT that pissed every one off? Be kind enough and point it out. By the way your point is well taken about not...
  7. F

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 4]

    Would you care to point out what questions have I asked lately? For last 2 weeks I haven't posted anything about JFT or made any comments about it.
  8. F

    Air superiority fighters

    What same point? You all are suffering from Farooqi Kholia. I just answered posters question.
  9. F

    Air superiority fighters

    Unfortunately PAF don't have any Air Superiority fighter. There is a big difference between assigning the role of air superiority and a true air superiority fighter. Examples of current air superiority fighters are F15, F18, SU 27, SU 30 Mig 29, Mig 35 Rafael and Typhoone. Also Chinese J11 is...
  10. F

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 4]

    Pervaze Shamim sahib: I have great respect for you. Your comments are little hurtful. I have decided not to post any comments on this thread instead I will post my answer on Potential Weakness thread. Please do check it out over there.
  11. F

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 4]

    double post self deleted
  12. F

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 4]

    You have been not asked young man so please stay out. Comments were made in the tread therefore I deserved an answer in the thread too.
  13. F

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 4]

    What did I do now? Would you please explain?
  14. F

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 4]

    Forgive me for my lack of knowledge but what is "Beidu Sat" ? I try to google it but could not find anything.
  15. F

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 4]

    So it was OK for an Indian plane to roam around our air space (and that happened to be Islamabad) as long as they would not be able to bomb? I guess you need to not make any comments. Try to understand what posters concern is.
  16. F

    Potential Weaknesses of PAF and Possible Solutions

    Bhai Meray your point is one of the basic requirments of any Air Force and I 100% agree with you. But you can not survive without good hadrware. Technical Training and infrastructure are normally associated with the hardware.
  17. F

    Potential Weaknesses of PAF and Possible Solutions

    And what do you think sir? ---------------- oh and some good jets too--------- now this is the point of contention. What is the definition of a good jet? This is where people are coming after me with loaded guns.
  18. F

    Potential Weaknesses of PAF and Possible Solutions

    You are right to some extent. But situation has cahnged since the last conflict of 1971. IAF now has Mig 29, M2K, SU 30 MKI and will have Rafales and on top of all of this their air defense systems and missiles.
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