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  1. C

    India will explore oil in South China Sea: PM to Wen Jiabao

    get lost dirty chink and you are the slaves working on 1 dollar extra on every copy.
  2. C

    India will explore oil in South China Sea: PM to Wen Jiabao

    filthyy bangladeshi immigrant
  3. C

    China's Response To India's Military Upgrade In Arunachal Pradesh

    xinjiang attacks and tibetan kilings shows that every chinese is terrorist and must be killed and thrown in sea.
  4. C

    India will explore oil in South China Sea: PM to Wen Jiabao

    fuckk off copy cat ****** chink
  5. C

    US warns action if PAK fails to stop cross border attacks

    america must do drone attacks and kill thousands inside pakistan.They are threat to whole world.
  6. C

    India will explore oil in South China Sea: PM to Wen Jiabao

    so why your asss is burning??why are you licking asssess:lol:
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    China's Response To India's Military Upgrade In Arunachal Pradesh

    god made us copy cat and we have to live with his:rofl:
  8. C

    China's Response To India's Military Upgrade In Arunachal Pradesh

    :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: i thought 2 cents:rofl:
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    The rising storm in the South China Sea

    its a good way to teach lesson to copy cats
  10. C

    China's Response To India's Military Upgrade In Arunachal Pradesh

    lol we will see too..we will put usa behind till 2030 and india will nuke china if you dont become serious
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