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    Why we have lesser room in financial journalism??

    Am I supposed to yell "They can block our posts but they can never disable all our 15 accounts!!" ?
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    Why we have lesser room in financial journalism??

    Thats almost funny what you mentioned about Orya's Comment. If he had studied the history of the Japanese miracle which was an asset bubble than ended in 1991. BoJ dropped its rates starting 1993. The miracle wasnt because of 0% interest rate, but the 0% interest rate was introduced to keep the...
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    Why we have lesser room in financial journalism??

    Honestly, I'd work for free. But my articles tend to make way too much sense. Hasnain what you shared here, is what i experienced at American Universities. No qualified professor would teach derivatives or investment class! Costed me $45k to realize that fact. Afterall why would anyone teach...
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    Interesting article: We Make it the ‘Mighty’ Dollar

    Those of us who are a student of Economics, History and Language are the students of life. Would like you get in touch with me via my email on that article. You surely added valuable insight. Finance today has become a can of worms. You cant know everything about everything! ---------- Post...
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    Interesting article: We Make it the ‘Mighty’ Dollar

    Sorry for the late response. I was out of town. Hasnain I get your point what you're saying. You highlighter 2 issues with BoP being settled in PKR. 1. It exposes PKR of International Speculation. 2. SBP would have to act as an International Clearing house for its PKR. Very valid points. Here's...
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    Actually I disagree. Pakistan isnt heading towards a disaster. Thats quite an understatement. I just finished a book last week called "When Money Dies" coming weekly events happening in Wiemar Republic in the 1917~24. It was chilling to read what was happening, what Govt officials were saying...
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    Interesting article: We Make it the ‘Mighty’ Dollar

    What is the US going to compete in when they dont produce anything? All they gotta do is borrow, consume, monetize, repeat.
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    Interesting article: We Make it the ‘Mighty’ Dollar

    Hasnain, Here is what I have suggested in my article No country needs to hoard PKR on its balance sheet. When there is a trade deficit b/w a country and Pakistan, Pakistan should demand the other country buy PKR from the forex market and make the balance payment to State Bank in PKR. Suppose...
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    Pakistan seeks another loan from World Bank to reform revenue body

    This is almost exactly what the Govt said tried to get loan from the IMF the last time under the pretense of "Taxation overhaul"
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    Interesting article: We Make it the ‘Mighty’ Dollar

    Well it mean whatever the whole world produces, the US Federal Reserve Bank can simply print the money and buy it from the world. You will not hear a single politician speak of this issue. I once called in a live TV show and the hosts didnt have a clue what I was talking about. They tried to...
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    Interesting article: We Make it the ‘Mighty’ Dollar

    BINGO. Actually, I initially wrote my 4-step policy article for DAWN newspaper. Due to spacing limitation, DAWN chopped off the article and only printed my policy for the implementation of the Gold Standard. I contacted TheNews and they said the same thing and asked me to spilt my Economic...
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    Pakistan has no need of IMF Loans: Hafeez Shaikh

    I know exactly what he is doing. He has taken the BoP (balance of payment) debt and pushed it down into the Local economy. And due to that, we are seeing the circular debt issue, we're seeing PIA defaulting on Oil and airport charges, Pak Railways defaulting, PEPCO. I understand something had to...
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    Pakistan's Monetary,Fiscal,Commercial & International Trade Policies Review

    A new prospective at Pakistan’s Monetary and Economic Policies By Asif Ameer July 11, 2011 The complexities of the International Financial Markets are abstract by nature but the underlying principles...
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    Looking for IMF help, Pakistan approaches US

    Going to IMF to solve Pakistan's debt problem is like trying to lift the bucket you're standing it. FAIL.
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    Indian tomatoes flooding Pakistan, pushing up domestic prices.

    2 words.. Currency Wars! And it all started with Tomatoes! lol
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    Minister proposes Pakistan Steel’s sale

    You know whats the best part of Free Market Economics? You dont have to believe in it to believe in it! lol I know I will get creamed for saying this Lekin this is a good step. Let the private sector buy it. WHATS KEY IS MAKE SURE THE GOVT DOESNT SUBSIDIES this industry after its privatized.
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    Govt takes over circular debt

    In accounting, its the same thing as taking the Rs100 note from your left pocket and put it in the right pocket. Only difference is, its not Rs100, but a Rs100 billion Bill! Debt doesnt go away, someone has to take a loss. Who takes the loss if this debt is liquidated? The pension holders or the...
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    Foreign debt jumped to $67 billion due to government's poor policies: Chief

    Without understanding BoP (Balance of Payment) and the structure of the International Monetary System, this figure of National Debt wont make any sense for most users. I have an article I wrote explaining the whole issue but I cant post it here because I have less than 5 posts. This post is a...
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