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  1. F

    Cable has been blocked today iin some areas of Lahore.

    Good Show of Power By Tehreek-e-Insaf, Now they are in position of bit throwing PML-N Away from Lahore and Come in Government for Fair Rule in The Country. PTI now can make Alliance with MQM as it was already expected for Corruption Free Government.
  2. F

    US plans to bomb Miranshah and kill 200 civilians in revenge?

    Nothing different is expected from United States (Killing 200 civilians)
  3. F

    Iran - Ally or Foe for Pakistan

    Iran is a natural Ally of Pakistan not an enemy! This is simple.
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    Clashes in Lower Dir kills 15 militants

    Now US and NATO should stop Cross Border Terrorism inside Pakistan. These militants are coming from Afghanistan to attack Pakistan.
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    TTP terrorist arrested in Karachi.

    It is bad and sad for over the years from listening and watching that Karachi is becoming home for Talebans but people first laughed at this when Pakistani Leaders were pointing that out but Now it is happening openly. Sad to Watch. If something was done at that time when years ago MQM was...
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    Pakistan May Seek Chinese Interceptor Missile Defense.

    Pakistan rightnow badly needs conventional interceptor missiles to hit US Cruise Missiles.
  7. F

    MQM's Massacre on 12th May with full evidence

    No This is not true, Watch Real Original Bitter Truth Video Before Claiming MQM was responsible for 12 May. Also Check ISI Report on 12 May 2007, It clearly States that PPP and ANP Is responsible for 12 May 2007. However, There are alot of Allegations on Jamaat-e-Islami and Haqiqi as well for...
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