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  1. H

    'ISI killing US troops in Afghanistan'

    Did you read the last post? Read news from various sources about things happening around you and then make an informed decision!
  2. H

    India Has to be Paitent with Pakistan

    Lol how very silly of you'll! To ask me to go back to BR or whatever that is in your Pakistani parlance! Just wait and watch, we took away your East Pakistan and made it a new country, now the times come again for another round of slicing and dicing! We have the means to do that and we are...
  3. H

    India Has to be Paitent with Pakistan

    Nicely put All Green! I agree with your opinions!
  4. H

    India Has to be Paitent with Pakistan

    Thats what el nino meant when he said that most of the Pakistanis are against terrorism and want better ties with India. Yeah! Like people havent been trying to do that for thousands of years. They come here to conquer and divide to enjoy the spoils but instead end up staying and...
  5. H

    India Has to be Paitent with Pakistan

    Only because you cannot counter my post? You've got Nothing to counter my point?? Ha! the typical response of a measly acumen! And if Indian Govt really did use some of the options then lets see what you have to say!
  6. H

    India Has to be Paitent with Pakistan

    Hey 786, I am not threatening the 'good' Pakistanis in this forum, I am just laying out some of the options that the Indian Govt can exercise. When one says all options are on the table, that doesnt necessarily mean the military option! Dont you fellas have any imagination? Why do you always...
  7. H

    Fighter Jets of the World Video

    The part from 1:40 to 1:50 is awesome, with that mirage flying under the Airbus plane!! Doesnt the air flow over the bigger plane mess with the airflow over the smaller jet's surfaces?
  8. H

    India Has to be Paitent with Pakistan

    There are cases against Mr 10% Zardari, nawaz and many of your politicians not only in Pakistan but in some other countries as well. What are Pakistanis doing about it? As for Indian Muslims being afforded second class status, FYI there are other groups of people too who are treated as second...
  9. H

    Musharraf on cross-border raids and india

    Of course, the wife cannot leave her husband but eh girlfriend can anytime leave her guy for a bigger, better deal!! and such deals come along all the time. Poor you wifey, u r stuck with whatever u have! :usflag:
  10. H

    Destroy Pakistan

    What anti-muslim statements does the post say? I dont get it. BTW if you people hate western/USA outlook what WTH are you all doing in US of A?
  11. H

    Destroy Pakistan

    Except for Kashmir (helped by the Pakistanis of course) and Assam, none of the so called insurgencies want a separate nation! The other armed militancy is for want of more rights to the poor. Yes we do have a problem in the society and though armed revolt is not a solution, the rights of some of...
  12. H

    India Has to be Paitent with Pakistan

    Why are you making false claims here ADMIN? Show me your sources and if credible, I will agree with you. Yes I am questioning you - the admin, for you are not being fair! This is a Pakistani defence forum but that doesnt give you the right to make false claims. Its alright when you all insult...
  13. H

    The Luck Of The Chinese

    Lol! Look who's talking about CHEAP products!!! Quality? What do YOU know about quality! We never said anything about the LCA and the Arjun being super successes!!! India didnt have any experience on independently developing fighterplanes. The last was, IIRC, the Marut, and that was a 2nd...
  14. H

    Pakistan, India and Bangladesh Armed Forces.

    WTF was that? Should be one of the lamest vids out there!! nice Mig-29s here though!!
  15. H

    Pakistan, India and Bangladesh Armed Forces.

    Why do you even bother about posting here mate? After reading many of the posts here, its really funny to see how some people here from BD have that 'little pirck' syndrome! aisan faramosh!! Why would India want to take over that little piece of constantly flooded land filled with its own...
  16. H

    The Luck Of The Chinese

    You just contradicted yourself over your previous post. Lol, want me to make fun of your funny chinese accent? Even if you fellows speak English, all you can hear is ..... You ignorant piece of drivel... First you say we have only one language that being English, and then you say your...
  17. H

    Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

    Would those F-18's be the base models or the superhornets - the A/B, C/D or the E/F variants? The E/F variants are the ones in the Indian MMRCA competition. AFAIK they are not giving anyone the E/F variants, except for the Australian Airforce! Is you are offered the base model, would that be a...
  18. H

    PAF vs. IAF Analysis- Air Combat Over the Subcontinent

    Hmmn, interesting angle of analysis, but I wouldnt underestimate the Chinese PLAAF so easily. Similarly the PLAN have recently sent their boats to the Gulf of Aedn to battle piracy, which is but a major show of force and they have begun flexing their blue water capability. Its another point...
  19. H

    The Luck Of The Chinese

    Well excuse me if I am wrong, but I have seen your profile pic along with a bunch of pics of that particular guy somewhere on that forum.
  20. H

    The Luck Of The Chinese

    No comments here...you just gotta go look for it! BTW I've seen you on militaryphotos.net, and was kinda surprised when people started bashing you when you posted pics of Gaza. I totally agree with you about Gaza, whats happening in Gaza is an atrocity! Its funny when criticizing Israel is...
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