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  1. WAR-rior

    Modi 365 : One year of Modi Govt !

    Interesting Debate ! Both achievements and drawbacks of one year of Modi very well discussed. Worth a watch for every neutral mind.
  2. WAR-rior

    China vs Japan in India : Advantage Indian Infrastructure!

    As per the mentioned link now China has agreed to involve in all those projects taken up by JICA. Now it seems end of the day it will be Indian infrastructure for lowest rate and fastest timeperiod with best of quality for options. ‘China firm interested in Trans Harbour Link’ | The Asian Age
  3. WAR-rior

    Islamophobia : From ATROCITY to OPPORTUNITY

    I was actually looking for peace in their's version of Islam. Cudnt find one. But still I hope and beleive its not the Islam which Quran preaches. My question is, does it matter what Quran teaches if we have people with the mentality in developed countries with all the education in hand as...
  4. WAR-rior

    The tale of two leaders: Why Modi and Xi are similar yet different

    Indian officials have spoken of the 'unprecedented chemistry' shown between Narendra Modi and Xi Jinping over the past three days. While it is questionable how much emotional connect world leaders can afford, the Indian and Chinese leaders have points of convergence. Modi and Xi are said to be...
  5. WAR-rior

    Indian economy to grow at 8.1% in 2015-16: UN report

    Indian economy is likely to clock 8.1 percent growth in the current financial year, spurred by strong consumer spending amid low inflation, infrastructure projects and government's reform measures, says a UN report. Investment is also expected to rebound, although unevenly, given the still low...
  6. WAR-rior

    Indian and Pakistani living in Dubai !

    Life outside Subcontinent ! Worth a Listen. Rj Naved | Facebook
  7. WAR-rior

    It's all work, no holiday for babus in Modi govt - Hindustan Times Editorial

    Foreign secretary Subrahmanyam Jaishankar has installed an unlikely piece of furniture in one corner of his office in Delhi’s stately South Block: a divan. It’s not an indulgence, or a vanity. The divan doubles up as a bed when Jaishankar has to catch some shuteye, because his schedule sometimes...
  8. WAR-rior

    PM Modi completes stunning debut year in international affairs; recasts India's image in the world!

    By: Sreeram Chaulia On May 16 this year, prime minister Narendra Modi will remember and savour the first anniversary of his spectacular triumph in the 2014 general elections. But instead of celebrating that red-letter day in India with his associates in the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), he would...
  9. WAR-rior

    India GDP to grow 8.4% in FY16: Dun & Bradstreet

    India is expected to clock a GDP growth of 8.4 percent in the current financial year, spurred by policy reforms, fall in food inflation and lower fuel prices, says a Dun & Bradstreet report. According to the research firm, the partial unclogging of domestic policy logjam, focus on public...
  10. WAR-rior

    Indian economy clearly on recovery path: Jaitley

    Indian economy clearly on recovery path: Jaitley Indian economy clearly on recovery path: Jaitley - Livemint Washington: Indian economy is now clearly on a recovery path with a 7.4% growth in the first three quarters and the government is committed to maintain overall macroeconomic conditions...
  11. WAR-rior

    Latest #MaukaMauka Ad - Pakistan bounces back!

    I am really starting to enjoy these people's creativity and genuinity. But nonetheless full marks to Pakistan for their bounceback and............................................KEEPING UPTO THIER OFFICIAL TAG OF 'BLOODY UNPREDICTABLE'. :D Enjoy !
  12. WAR-rior

    Mauka Mauka Guy in Indian T-shirt - Latest Mauka Mauka Ad after india-WI match!

    During the Ind vs WI match After India's Win ULTIMATE. :D :D
  13. WAR-rior

    "TINDERBOX-The Past And Future Of Pakistan" - Book by M.J Akbar

    A very interesting and thought provoking discussion. A gem of an argument by some real quality, rational and exquisite minds. A great piece, especially for those who think and introspect. PS : Request the posters to listen to whole video and then comment. Its better to have a quantified...
  14. WAR-rior

    2014 - The Election that changed India : Rajdeep Sardesai -> Jaitley Vs Chidambaram Debate !

    2 Finance Ministers coming together. That calls for an explosion. A must watch.
  15. WAR-rior

    We The Soldiers - From Kargil, 15 years later !

    A must see for all.
  16. WAR-rior

    Countdown for IRNSS 1C launch from today : ISRO

    The countdown for the launch of India's navigation satellite IRNSS 1C, the third of seven satellites in the series to put in place India's navigation system on par with US' Global Positioning System, on board PSLV C 26 will commence at the spaceport of Sriharikota on Monday. The earlier planned...
  17. WAR-rior

    A Measured Approach to Ending Poverty & Boosting Shared Prosperity: WorldBank Plan for next 15 years

    The data and processes needed to measure global poverty and gauge improvements in the prosperity of the bottom 40% of people in each country present complex challenges and provoke considerable debate amongst poverty experts. From the comparability of household surveys and their use in policy...
  18. WAR-rior

    Discussion about Kashmir Issue by Back Benchers of UK Parliament.

    London: The British government on Thursday condemned terrorism and violence and rejected mediation in the dispute between India and Pakistan on Kashmir in a debate in the United Kingdom’s parliament in which pro-India speakers among the MPs overwhelmed Pakistan supporters by almost three to one...
  19. WAR-rior

    Rotherham sex abuse monster flies to Pakistan and says: I'm living the high life

    This is freaking pathetic. What da problem with our neighbours? What else do we expect now from u guyz? This loser went out of Pakistan and dint even think bout its people. Every expat is responsible and representative of his/her country. We Indians always take care of it but why not Pakistan...
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