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    Taliban remove Bilour from hit-list for anti-Islam film bounty

    PESHAWAR: The Pakistani Taliban say they are granting an “amnesty” to a Cabinet minister who is offering a $100,000 reward to anyone who kills the American maker of an anti-Islam film sparking deadly riots in the Muslim world. Pakistani Taliban spokesman Ehsanullah Ehsan told reporters on...
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    [Petition]Stop the destruction of the Buddhas of Aynak

    Please sign the petition, not sure if it makes any difference, but there is no harm to try. Petition | President Hamid Karzai: Prevent destruction of ancient site of Mes Aynak & the environmental damage | Change.org
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    An interview with a Taliban Trained Suicide Bomber

    Poor child. It is in pashto though.
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    Female circumcision

    NEW DELHI: Eleven years ago, Farida Bano was circumcised by an aunt on a bunk bed in her family home at the end of her 10th birthday party. The mutilation occurred not in Africa, where the practice is most prevalent, but in India where a small Muslim sub-sect known as the Dawoodi Bohra...
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    Osama Bin Laden was tender and kind, Zawahiri says

    Osama Bin Laden has been described as both "tender" and "kind" in a video released by the new head of al-Qaeda. Ayman al-Zawahiri, who took over at the head of the network after Bin Laden was killed in Pakistan in May, said the former leader was a sensitive man. The video, entitled Days...
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    4 men arrested under counter-terror laws

    LONDON: Police said they arrested four men Tuesday in the central English city of Birmingham as part of an ongoing counter-terrorism investigation that has uncovered an alleged suicide bombing plot. The men, three aged 19 and one 24, were detained under counter-terror laws in the Sparkhill...
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    Beautiful Afghan Ladies.

    Taliban fighters/suicide bombers being caught in women cloths and burkas.
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    Hafiz Gul Bahadur threatens Pakistan govt

    MIRAMSHAH: The most powerful militant leader in Pakistan’s North Waziristan border region has threatened to tear up a peace accord and turn his fighters against the Islamabad government. Hafiz Gul Bahadur has an unofficial non-aggression pact with the military. Pakistan can’t afford new...
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    Muslims Against Crusades to be banned from midnight

    The home secretary, Theresa May, has ordered Muslims Against Crusades, an Islamist group which is planning to disrupt Friday's Armistice Day ceremonies, be banned from midnight. The organisation, which burned two large poppies near the Royal Albert Hall in London on Remembrance Day during the...
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    Worshippers killed in Afghanistan attack

    At least seven people have been killed after a suicide bomber blew himself up in Afghanistan's northern Baghlan province. Police said the bomber targeted worshippers returning from the Eid al-Adha prayer marking the beginning of one of the largest Muslim holidays.Six civilians and one police...
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    Pakistan charges seven for Bhutto murder

    A Pakistani court has formally charged seven persons, including two senior police officers and five suspected Taliban fighters, for their alleged role in the killing of Benazir Bhutto, officials said. Bhutto, who had twice been prime minster, was killed in a shooting and suicide attack in...
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    Pakistan's blasphemy laws have left even judges in fear of their lives

    So he's going to swing – perhaps. On Saturday a Pakistani judge sentenced Mumtaz Qadri, the police bodyguard who assassinated the Punjab governor Salmaan Taseer, to death by hanging. The young policeman smiled and thanked God. "My dream has come true," he reportedly said. It was a predictably...
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    Turkistan Islamic Party claims western China attacks

    BEIJING: A militant group has released a new video claiming responsibility for recent attacks in western China that killed at least three dozen people, a US group that monitors militant organisations said this week. The video was purportedly made by the Turkistan Islamic Party, which seeks...
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    Parents charged over suspected 'honour' killing

    The parents of Shafilea Ahmed, a suspected victim of a so-called honour killing eight years ago, have been charged with murder and are due to appear in court. Cheshire police said a man and a woman had been charged with murder in connection with the death of Shafilea, 17, who was last seen in...
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    Militants kidnap 25 Pakistani boys in Afghanistan

    KHAR: Taliban militants have kidnapped at least 25 Pakistani boys who had mistakenly crossed the unmarked border in the country’s lawless northwest into Afghanistan, DawnNews reported. Moreover, an AFP report said more than 30 boys were kidnapped in the incident that took place on Thursday...
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    Some thread pages not opening

    i have a problem here, i cant see the last page of every thread, is there something wrong with my computer or is it the site having this problem?
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    Eleven Afghan civilians killed in roadside blast

    KABUL: Eleven Afghan civilians were killed on Friday when a roadside bomb destroyed their mini-van in the Nahri Sarraj district of volatile Helmand province in southern Afghanistan. Afghan commander Sayed Malook said the vehicle was travelling to the provincial capital Lashkar Gah when it was...
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    'Dozens dead' in Afghan attack by Taliban

    Taliban gunmen have attacked an Afghan road construction company in the eastern province of Paktia, reportedly killing at least 35 people and wounded another 20 in the worst single attack in months. "A large group of Taliban attacked a road construction company in Paktia province. The...
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    Explosion outside court in Nowshera kills two

    PESHAWAR: An explosion outside the district court in northwest Pakistan on Tuesday killed a female police constable and at least one other person, an official said. The constable and a civilian were killed and several others were wounded in the morning blast, southeast of Peshawar, said...
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