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  1. CodeforFood

    Tesla aims at doubling range (752 miles) with One gemini battery

    Owned/Founded by Muneeb Ijaz Our Next Energy (ONE) introduce the One gemini battery that Tesla used in their test with Model S with the range of 752 miles Here is this guys profile https://www.linkedin.com/in/mujeebijaz...
  2. CodeforFood

    Imran khan and Jacinda Ardern, match make in heaven?

    I think this would be a good time to do a siasi shadee. Imran and Jacinda perfect couple and match made in heaven. What do you guys think? Kya Jemima ke kami poori ho sakti hai?
  3. CodeforFood

    What is the current status of Kulbushan case ICJ

    Does anyone know what happened to Kulbushan case in international court of justice?
  4. CodeforFood

    Could there be an attack on Karachi PSL matches considering the animosity from India

    Hi guys, I hope that this is not the case,but is there a chance of terrorist attack on PSL matches in Pakistan, in the light of current events with India?
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