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  1. blueazure

    Sergey Lavrov tells us Bucha massacre is staged

    This is the standard Russian propaganda MO for just about everything. Step 1: Deny anything happened Step 2: Admit something happened, but that it was the other side that did it Step 3 (Rarely used): Admit they did it, but accuse the West of historically doing similar things
  2. blueazure

    Indian restaurant in Bahrain shut down for denying entry to veiled woman

    the world is putting these RSS pajeets in their right place ---------------------- https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/indian-restaurant-in-bahrain-shut-down-for-denying-entry-to-veiled-woman-report-101648352893031.html An Indian restaurant in Islamic country Bahrain's Adliya has been...
  3. blueazure

    pakistan is being looted via expensive Qatari gas

    1 . qatar ,a crook , cunning state is manipulating and under supplying the market to ' pump ' LNG prices while there is ample evidence to prove that LNG market is over supplied . @muhammadhafeezmalik...
  4. blueazure

    Pakistan procures costliest ever LNG cargo from qatar petroleum

    PLL , Pak govt , = the cartels sitting in govt WILL buy costly LNG at any cost but wont go for cheap Iranian NG or central asian projects ! economic terrorists are sitting in govt with a mentally challenged person leading them --------------- ISLAMABAD: Pakistan on Saturday accepted an LNG...
  5. blueazure

    NAB - stealing recovered money ? where is the money ?

    EDITORIAL: How could it be that NAB (National Accountability Bureau) claims to have recovered Rs 821 billion since its inception 16 years ago and the government has only received about Rs 6.5 billion from the watchdog in all this time and the ministry of finance, meaning the federal government...
  6. blueazure

    Pakistan and its expensive LNG procurement

    During the entire pandemic period Pakistan has maintained some economic activities and now it is making good recovery as the global economy is taking a liftoff. This unexpected global recovery is creating nightmares for the energy sources and is disrupting its entire supply chain, including the...
  7. blueazure

    --- BATTLE FOR KABUL -- where all roads lead ----

    City after city have fallen from government to Taliban control but Afghanistan's end-game is still unclear... https://asiatimes.com/2021/08/all-roads-lead-to-the-battle-for-kabul/ Afghan militia fighters keep watch at an outpost against Taliban insurgents at Charkint district in Balkh...
  8. blueazure

    taliban look forward to joining cpec

    key notes:- 1. peshawar kabul motorway 2. repair of afghan infrastructure via pak /china 3. integration of afghanistan in cpec 4 . taliban being friendly towards china ------------------------- The race is already on to build and extend Afghanistan's shattered infrastructure as rival...
  9. blueazure

    General bajwa.. YOUR FENCE is not WORKING ----- go big or go home sir !

    1 . 60 + PA men KIA in last 4 months 2. baloch insurgents bold, and out of control 3 . just yesterday, 14 of our men dead in IED blast in pasni 4 .kashmir ? zero .. not a single Indian soldier dying ( aka GHQ hi command has nil interest in kashmir intifada) 5 . moral in officer corps is...
  10. blueazure

    report this youtube channel to CCPO lahore

    this a**hole is doing drag races on lahore roads, in presence of traffic . he is even racing on ring road zigzagging traffic he is posting these videos on youtube and is dumb enough to post his registration number viral this and tag CCPO lahore, NHMP lahore , lets get this bastard off the...
  11. blueazure

    sky news reporter gets exclusive access to taliban war booty

    the US pull out and ANA melt up has to be the mother of all retreats
  12. blueazure

    Afghanistan national army CAPITULIATION. US withdrawl

    as expected, entire ANA battalions are surrendering to taliban complete with equipment and entire districts are falling into Taliban hands as we speak, rather strangely, the ANA is not even bothering to put up a fight . TALIBAN ENTERING joma bazaar,district FARYAB . entire ANA contingent...
  13. blueazure

    Unemployement in pakistan - 2 million + apply on 1100 vacancies in FIA

    source - express 7 june 2021 ----------- to be fair, this is also part fault of our youth , one can easily learn a skill ( ac technician, electrician , plumber) and make 4-5k / day easily vs doing jobs) my ac technician ( small shop in nishat ) is making 1.5 lac plus a month
  14. blueazure

    karachi water issue , a superb aljazeera report

    next wars = water wars
  15. blueazure

    India's Experiments With COVID-19

    Reminiscent of his demonetization effort in 2016, on 24th March 2020, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, appeared on TV and declared an immediate nationwide curfew. No one was to be allowed to leave wherever he or she happened to be. All flights, trains (after 167 years of continual operation)...
  16. blueazure

    sindh terms wheat price anti farmer

    PM Khan should asap abolish 18th amendment ------------------------- https://www.thenews.com.pk/print/807356-sindh-terms-federal-govt-wheat-support-price-anti-farmers KARACHI: Sindh on Saturday termed the wheat support price announced by the federal government as anti-farmers because it is...
  17. blueazure

    a reminder --- India is violating IWT and stealing our water

    https://www.express.com.pk/epaper/PoPupwindow.aspx?newsID=1108171932&Issue=NP_LHE&Date=20210307 hey PAF we dont need tea bragging,,, we need dambusters
  18. blueazure

    Pakitan bankrupt power sector

    The power sector is the foundation of an economy. Red alert: Pakistan’s power sector – sans government subsidies – is bankrupt. The real culprit behind this bankruptcy is: gross misgovernance. This gross misgovernance shows up as: circular debt and capacity payments (the two are indeed related)...
  19. blueazure

    Featured Revised IPP deal likely to win CCoE nod today

    i cant seem to wrap my head around this , what exactly has changed in this new power policy ? where is tabdeeli ? indexation is still in dollars ? capacity payments are still there ? wtf has changed ...
  20. blueazure

    the oil price dilemma and the rise of alternate energy

    Back in the early days of the oil industry (1880s and 1890s), the product that the industry could sell at a profit was kerosene for lighting and heating. Since there was no automobile industry yet, gasoline was a waste product that was dumped into streams. Why couldn't the refiners produce only...
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