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  1. Alpha BeeTee

    23 crore Indians fall below poverty line, another 25 crore just living above it.

    Heart breaking details on Covid's impact on India's common man. 23 crore Indians are now not even able to earn Rs. 375/day. The poverty line in India is Rs. 375 per day for a FAMILY OF FOUR! Another 25 crore Indians are just lingering above this benchmark. That's rougly 500 million...
  2. Alpha BeeTee

    My dear father passed away from COVID-19. Prayers requested.

    He passed away at the age of 62 after staying in Covid ICU for 12 days at Benazir Bhutto Hospital in Rawalpindi. This has devastated our family. Prayers requested for him and us. Thank you all.
  3. Alpha BeeTee

    Update on Corona virus.

    Why are we still sleeping?!!! God knows how many Chinese are travelling in and out of Pakistan at this very moment. Many are going to come back after their new year ends. Many Pakistani students are in China, they travel back and forth. First case has already be reported in Multan. Chinese...
  4. Alpha BeeTee

    Pakistani Universities' reviews thread

    Most of us are aware of the pathetic state of affairs of Pakistani universities. On top of that, there's lack of career counselling for the youngsters. When entering any university, students have absolutely no idea about what they're getting into. Since PDF is very famous and visited by a lot...
  5. Alpha BeeTee

    DCS: Pakistani F-16 Viper vs Iraqi Mig-21

    Throughout the video the admin (F-16 pilot) kept on saying that this wasn't really much of a fight despite the DCS F-16 being an early access version and lacking some key features. Notice how it took the F-16 merely two turns to get on the Mig-21's 6'o clock position. Also the pilot could have...
  6. Alpha BeeTee

    Social media blaming LEAs for missing person, Suleman Farooq Chaudari

    Recently, there has been a highlight on the social media for a missing person, Suleman Farooq Chaudari. Suleman is a graduate of Electrical Engineering from UET Taxila. He then completed his MS in Electrical Engineering from the Institute of Space Technology, Islamabad. He recently secured...
  7. Alpha BeeTee

    Indian troops conduct war games near Pakistan border

    NEW DELHI/WASHINGTON: The Indian armed forces special operations division has carried out its first war games near the Pakistan border in Gujarat. The first exercise was codenamed ‘Exercise Smelling Field’. The exercise under a major general rank officer was carried out in Naliya near the...
  8. Alpha BeeTee

    At UNGA stage, Modi talks about toilets and terrorism.

    There you go folks. Modi living up to expectations. His UNGA speech had two points mainly: 1) We have built 10 million toilets for India. 2) He mentioned terrorism as a global issue without mentioning Pakistan. 3) On Kashmir, he had nothing to say. I'm surprised. Was this a joke? Was Modi...
  9. Alpha BeeTee

    Is dollar going to touch 180 PKR after IMF bailout?

    Much is being said about the dollar spike and many are saying that it will spike even more after the IMF bailout. I have heard that sources in the financial ministry have also shared their huch with some industrialists that be ready for for 180 PKR dollar. If that is true, where the heck is...
  10. Alpha BeeTee

    India likely to launch attacks against Pakistan between April 16-20: FM Qureshi

    FM Qureshi live on Television in a press conference at the moment. Says Pakistan has credible intelligence that India is planning another misadventure between 16th to 20th of April. Says responsible countries must act to diffuse situation if they want peace to prevail. A dedicated press...
  11. Alpha BeeTee

    Pakistan may not have violated F16 deal while clash with India: US Media

    Pakistan's alleged “misuse" of the F-16 has attracted global attention over the past week, leading to the scrutiny of US arms shipments to Pakistan over the past decade under the pretext of helping Islamabad in its fight against terror groups. New Delhi (Sputnik) — New York Times journalist...
  12. Alpha BeeTee

    Enough of Chest Thumping about JF-17s Inaugural kill

    I think this JF 17 glorification is going a little overboard. Please remember that in a real full blown war type scenario, the JFT is not going to face a stray MiG 21 anymore which was most probably lured by F16s for the JFT to score a kill. This is much like a father which holds the bat for...
  13. Alpha BeeTee

    Is Pakistan's economic crisis worse than Indian crisis of 1991?

    Almost three decades ago, India faced a similar situation as Pakistan is today. Indian crisis was quite serious (not sure more serious than Pakistan's, need experts to have a say on this). India's reserves plummeted to as low as $1.1 billion (this is ridiculously low) and only enough money was...
  14. Alpha BeeTee

    Govt asks economist Atif Mian to step down from Economic Advisory Council

    A wise decision at the end. I was fearing that foolish people around IK would advise him to 'brave it out' just like all other controversies. But sense prevailed and PTI responded to the sensitivities of the nation. Nations only progress when they don't comprise their core values to appease...
  15. Alpha BeeTee

    Keeping religious sentiment aside, here's why powerful Qadiyanis are still a problem.

    Every article and write up has a target audience and so the audience of this informative article are those Pakistanis who are genuinly unbiased, identify themselves as Muslims first and are confused as to why the religious class is creating a 'fuss' about a single Qadiyani i.e Atif Mian. They...
  16. Alpha BeeTee

    Exactly how much of Pakistan's wealth is coming back from abroad?

    The purpose of this thread is to educate ourselves about the volume of wealth which has been stored illegally out of Pakistan and how much of it can be pottentially brought back easily without having to maneuver the complexities of national and international law. Not a day goes by and we hear...
  17. Alpha BeeTee

    Austerity measures to reportedly hit Pak Army. Massive cutdown of perks.

    (Guys need reliable sources to confirm or deny this. If true, it's big.) فوج کے افسران اب فلیٹ میں رھینگے It is heard from reliable sources that Imran Khan on the advice of COAS will also review perks of Army Officers to strength Austerity Drive and set an example of leading from the front...
  18. Alpha BeeTee

    Lt. General Shahid Aziz Reportedly Martyred In Afghanistan - Son Denies Fake News

    Didn't find anything from mainstream media yet.
  19. Alpha BeeTee

    "We should learn a lesson from Pakistan." says India on Zainab's court verdict

    Article Link: https://www.penchowk.com/we-should-learn-from-pakistan-says-india/
  20. Alpha BeeTee

    Who is the real benificiary of the status quo at LoC?

    After this recent incident in which Pakistan Army has killed 4 Indians soldiers at the LoC, I closely started following the stories from the Indian media in hope to find some reasonable voice. No marks for guessing that I failed in that to a great extent. There is blood in their eyes and almost...
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