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    Netanyahu says UAE is a democracy

    Netanyahu praises UAE democracy in a interview.
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    UAE, U.S. Forces Conduct Aviation Live Fire Exercise in Arabian Gulf

    ARABIAN GULF, Aug. 17, 2020 — The United Arab Emirates Joint Aviation Command (JAC), U.S. Naval Forces Central Command (NAVCENT), U.S. Air Forces Central Command (AFCENT) and U.S. Special Operations Central Command (SOCCENT) conducted an air operations in support of maritime surface warfare...
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    Happy independence day Pakistani brothers!

    SSB is first out to congratulate.. :pakistan:
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    Turkish Miniature Bomb, 1 sortie 8 targets with a F-16

    Thank to @Combat-Master for digging this up. Specs
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    Ethiopian success stories continue after filling the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam

    Ethiopia showcases first locally-assembled electric car Such investments will support country’s climate resilience and greening ambitions, says premier Addis Getachew Tadesse |27.07.2020 ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia Ethiopia on Monday showcased its first locally assembled electric car to push...
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    Reuters: Libyan GNA fighters head for front as battle for Sirte looms

    (Reuters) - Libya's internationally recognised Government of National Accord (GNA) on Saturday moved fighters closer to Sirte, a gateway to Libya's main oil terminals that the GNA says it plans to recapture from the eastern-based Libyan National Army (LNA). Witnesses and GNA military commanders...
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    (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞Abu Dhabi crown prince targeted by French torture probe: sources

    Abu Dhabi crown prince targeted by French torture probe: sources July 17, 2020, 6:56 pm Abu Dhabi's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed Al-Nahyan is seen as one of the most influential figures in the region (AFP Photo/ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS) Abu Dhabi's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed Al-Nahyan...
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    The end of the Arab world’s oil age is nigh

    Twilight of an era The end of the Arab world’s oil age is nigh NONE JULY 18, 2020 THEIR BUDGETS don’t add up anymore. Algeria needs the price of Brent crude, an international benchmark for oil, to rise to $157 dollars a barrel. Oman needs it to hit $87. No Arab oil producer, save tiny Qatar, can...
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    Egypt’s Fourth Generation Warfare

    Wednesday 15 July 202004:59 pm Since president Sisi’s first term in office, Egypt’s government has emphasised the dual threats of terrorism and fourth generation warfare and what they imply to the security of Egypt and its economic development. Whilst terror organisations have conducted...
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    Israeli group burns Turkish flag over Hagia Sophia move

    Israelis becoming more Arabic each passing day Israeli group burns Turkish flag over Hagia Sophia move Group hangs anti-Turkish banners outside country’s consulate in East Jerusalem in wake of Hagia Sophia decision Esat Firat |13.07.2020 JERUSALEM A group of nine Israelis on Monday...
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    Sudanese demand UAE apology over Haftar recruitment

    You can't make this shit up lol https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/07/sudanese-demand-uae-apology-haftar-recruitment-200714175851614.html
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    A Egyptians POV - Egypt’s Military Limitations: Cairo’s Options

    He basically saying nicely Egyptians are mediocre at best..enjoy. A nation must think before it acts In late June, with the United Nations-backed Government of National Accord (GNA) reversing several years’ worth of gains made by the Khalifa Hafta-led Libyan National Army (LNA) in a matter of...
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    New York Times:I No Longer Believe in a Jewish State

    The New York Times SUBSCRIBE NOWLOG IN Opinion I No Longer Believe in a Jewish State For decades I argued for separation between Israelis and Palestinians. Now, I can imagine a Jewish home in an equal state. By Peter Beinart Mr. Beinart is editor at large of Jewish Currents. July 8, 2020...
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    Explained: The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam

    Great article for anyone interested. https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/grand-ethiopia-renaissance-dam-explained-egypt-sudan Latest situation;
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    Thanks UAE, UN warns 10 million face acute food shortages in Yemen

    Live NEWS /MIDDLE EAST UN warns 10 million face acute food shortages in Yemen World Food Programme says it needs $737m to avert a famine in the war-torn country. 4 hours ago Nearly 10 million people are facing acute food shortages in Yemen and urgent action is needed to avert a famine, the...
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    Russia's Blue Stream gas pipeline to Turkey idle since May: sources

    MOSCOW/ANKARA (Reuters) - The Blue Stream pipeline delivering Russian gas to Turkey, due to be re-launched after maintenance in May, remains idle, three sources told Reuters on Friday, as Ankara is increasing purchases of super-cooled gas to replace supplies from Gazprom. Relations between...
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    'France used to run the show in North Africa. No more' - Turkish official

    France-Turkey feud: 'French anger is all about losing influence' Ragip Soylu in Ankara Published date: 10 July 2020 10:50 UTC | Last update: 2 hours 37 mins ago 929Shares A few years ago, observers would tout Turkish-French cooperation as exemplary. Now, senior French officials release...
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    Russia "explains" MASS DESTRUCTION of Pantsir air defense systems by Turkish drones in Syria & Libya

    Russia explains mass destruction of Pantsir air defense systems by Turkish drones in Syria and Libya Thursday, July 9, 2020 1:00:00 PM The mass destruction of the Russian-made Pantsir-S1 anti-aircraft missile and artillery systems in Syria and Libya can be explained by the existence of a...
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    Libya, U.S. Probe Alleged Gold Trade Between Venezuela and Warlord

    Nicolás Maduro’s government continues to forge ties with U.S. adversaries, officials say Governments have been tracking Libyan militia leader Khalifa Haftar’s private jet, which is suspected of moving gold from Venezuela to West Africa, and from there to Europe and the Middle East, security...
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