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  1. The Headache

    In between all the hostilities, the moments of little happiness and smiles !

    My brother is a voluntary retired Army Major. He is 32. Served in the army as a doctor. Recently he came over to my house and I gradually started asking him about his past there. He said and I quote " Indian and Pakistani soldiers, on the most far off borders, live a life that is hell but same...
  2. The Headache


    The Official Reasons We all know the governments of the West, lead by the US and the UK, have turned against Russia. There are many reasons offered by our media: Russia tried to stop the Ukraine from joining the EU. Russia helped the "pro-Russian rebels" shoot down MH-17. Russia "invaded" the...
  3. The Headache

    A train journey and two names to remember

    Of two co-travellers who surprised the writer with their graciousness, 24 years ago It was the summer of 1990. As Indian Railway (Traffic) Service probationers, my friend and I travelled by train from Lucknow to Delhi. Two MPs were also travelling in the same bogie. That was fine, but the...
  4. The Headache

    NBA JAM DELHI : How many of you are participating/attending?

    I was participating in 3X3 but I can't due to my age. BTW how many of you are participating/attending in 3X3 or other events?
  5. The Headache

    The most hilarious list which shows Kanpur in the top 10 cleanest cities of India

    Top 10 Cleanest Cities In India | HolidayIQ Blog Can't believe it still. Donno what the author was smoking.:lol::lol::lol:
  6. The Headache

    A millennium of Hindu tolerance

    The truth of the last millennium and how Hindus have tolerated this.... HINDU TOLERANCE.. OVER THE AGES A view into the truth that how Hindus had persisted to invaders and how they had tolerated the ones who considered them infidel. Look how the Hindus who never wrecked havoc to the enemy land...
  7. The Headache

    Antrix Devas and the second generation scam

    Scams seem to have great potential to beget second generation scams. Recall the ANTRIX-ISRO-Devas scam that exploded in 2011, exposing our premier space agency, directly under the Prime Minister, of committing gross financial malfeasance, in almost throwing away the precious S Band spectrum for...
  8. The Headache

    C.B.S.E to include novels of soldiers in curriculum

    The Central Board of Secondary Education is planning to include some novels of soldiers in the curriculum. These novels would primarily have diff. stories of commandos, pilots, soldiers and others who have experienced combats and wars. Some senior military officials were being consulted for the...
  9. The Headache

    The two videos and the two guys who speak the truth themselves

    Ex-PAF chief and Journalist Najam Sethi.. Must watch
  10. The Headache

    Do Indian Members know about Vikas-1,2,3,5 and 7 of SFF ?

    This is a General question. Are Indian members aware of the Vikas regiments of Special Frontier Force? My brother is a Maj. in the Punjab Regiment and he first told me about the force. No martial rules are applied on them. They smoke weed and do whatever they want and they are given Special...
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