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  1. BigDaddyWatch

    Kurds support thread

    The Turkish government continues to arrest and imprison Kurdish activists who are fighting for the rights of their people. Turkey’s Kurdish prison journalist speaks out | openDemocracy Police crackdown on Kurdish demostrations. Wasn't Turkey suppose to be a democracy ?
  2. BigDaddyWatch

    Beijing’s Bad Air Would Be Step Up for Smoggy Delhi

    :-) Remenber reading this that the Indian economy is only 1/5 of that of China's and the industrial sector is perhabs just 10% of China's. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/01/26/world/asia/beijings-air-would-be-step-up-for-smoggy-delhi.html?_r=0
  3. BigDaddyWatch

    A 'Modi'-fication' of Indian politics

    Since this forum is cram full with Modi supporters i like to hear your opinion on this article. http://www.atimes.com/atimes/South_Asia/SOU-02-271113.html
  4. BigDaddyWatch

    Foreign Policy: India is flooding the world with tainted drugs.

    I think China was right not to allow Indian medicines into the Chinese market. This will also pour cold water on the notion that India creats quality products as it is so often claimed here and elsewhere on the internet by Indians...
  5. BigDaddyWatch

    India is heading the same road as US, UK, Japan, Eurozone and... Zimbabwe

    India's central bank the RBI from 23 august onward is going to start purchasing long term government bonds in order to suppress interest rate on government borrowing. This is the same policy as in the US, UK, Japan, Eurozone and Zimbabwe. This will further weaken the rupee and raise in flation...
  6. BigDaddyWatch

    India on the brink of its own financial crisis

    India on the brink of its own financial crisis In a reprise of the 1997-98 Asian crisis, India's stock market is plunging, bond yields are nudging 10% and capital is flooding out of the country India's financial woes are rapidly approaching the critical stage. The rupee has depreciated by...
  7. BigDaddyWatch

    Indian rupee hits record low; capital control fears grow

    If a currency represent a nations stock then India's stock is going down. India will face a ASEAN like crisis soon. As the currency falls the current account deficit grows and as the current account deficit grows the currency will fall as more investors pull their money out of India to find...
  8. BigDaddyWatch

    China vs India flood 2013

    To recap in Sichuan China there was 800mm to 1150mm rain and caused 300 dead and missing. In Uttarakhand India with only 300mm rain has caused 6000 dead or missing. Despite the rain in Uttarakhand India being 3 to 4 times less intense then in Sinchuan China India sufferd 20 times more...
  9. BigDaddyWatch

    Risk of shadow banking for China and India

    According to this article shadow banking in China and India poses a great risk to their economies. The Chinese shadow banking system is worth 3,35 trillion $ or 45% of GDP while that of India is 670 billion $ or 36% of GDP. But that of India's is growing faster than that of China's, in fact its...
  10. BigDaddyWatch

    Bondage labor in India

    it seems that India can't compete with China even with the widespread use of slave and child labor. http://thecnnfreedomproject.blogs.cnn.com/2011/06/02/a-110-loan-then-20-years-of-debt-bondage/
  11. BigDaddyWatch

    8 Myths About India's Growth

    8 Myths About India's Growth - By Daniel Altman | Foreign Policy
  12. BigDaddyWatch

    Human Rights Watch report on India 2012

    World Report 2012: India | Human Rights Watch
  13. BigDaddyWatch

    America a country without accountability

    Who’s held accountable for Iraq? - Salon.com
  14. BigDaddyWatch

    New Delhi air pollution worse than Beijing's

    Remember India's economy is less than a 1/4 of that of China's 8250 billion $ vs 1947 billion $ or about 4,25 times smaller.
  15. BigDaddyWatch

    Pakistan risks US sanctions over Iran pipeline project

    Pakistan risks US sanctions over Iran pipeline project - thenews.com.pk
  16. BigDaddyWatch

    American hypocrisy on cyber warfare and hacking

    Why the Chinese Cyber Threat is a Bunch of Baloney | Antiwar.com Blog This article doesn't even mention Stuxnet and Flame. These are viruses that the US and Israel used against Iran to sabotage industrial installations in this case nuclear ones. The world's first and so far only offensive cyber...
  17. BigDaddyWatch

    India's demographic dividend fallacy

    Asia Times Online :: South Asia news, business and economy from India and Pakistan Having a large and young population could potentially be a huge economic advantage but a young and growing population with very little formal skills can be a huge burden as well. It seems that the latter is...
  18. BigDaddyWatch

    Chinese air force training.

    China's Increasingly Good Mock Air Battles Prep Pilots for Real War | Danger Room | Wired.com
  19. BigDaddyWatch

    India Police State

    We keep hearing that India is the world's largest democracy and our Indian members constantly get on their high horses about human rights in China. Well here is a story about the otherside of India. Police State India » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
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