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    US Navy to guard "freedom of navigation" in Asia

    MANILA — The captain of a US supercarrier said Thursday the US Navy's presence in Asia would help safeguard "freedom of navigation", amid China's claims to sovereignty over vast waters in the region. The commander of the USS George Washington, which is on a port call to the Philippine...
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    British Firm Claims to Develop ‘Petrol from Air’

    A British firm called Air Fuel Syndication has claimed to develop petrol using air and electricity using what it calls a ‘revolutionary technology’. The technology being talked about here is called the ‘air capture’ technology, which helps create synthetic petrol from air. Experts in this field...
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    Chasing the Indian Dream

    Decades ago, millions of Indians left their country in search of a better life in the West. The contribution of Indian immigrants around the world has changed the landscape of many nations - in business, healthcare, popular culture and cuisine, to give just a few examples. But today...
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    Cong MP Vijay Darda calls Modi 'tiger' of Gujarat

    Congress MP from Maharashtra Vijay Darda today praised Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi's style of functioning and called him a "tiger". "Modi's commitment and dedication towards work bears resemblance to that of a tiger," Darda, who shared dais with Modi at an award ceremony here, said...
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