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  1. G

    F-22P a bad decision by PN?

    no. to be more precisely, it was a Iranian copy of C802, of which the warhead weight was reduced to 50KGs.
  2. G

    F-22P a bad decision by PN?

    you just didn't get my point. all right let's make it simple. can a US warship launch French missiles without being upgraded, which require permitions from both the countries, but the F22P can. you can change any radar or missile on the ship to French made ones whit no or limited upgrade to...
  3. G

    F-22P a bad decision by PN?

    175m for the a F22P is a bad decision definately, but the price tag of 053h3 is 80m, which included all the weapons and a Z9. so presumably, the price would be more or less the same with the F22Ps if PN wanted the ships only. more importangly, the F22Ps have 2 major advantages compared with...
  4. G

    Pakistan possible answer against india nuclear submarine

    indian troller? No! i'm just standing for the N-subs. of course you can, but you have to shoulder the consequences as well. that 's why US have to ask permittion from Russia,UK,China... etc before mounting converntional warheads on BMs. guess what, she got nothing but "No"s, no one wants to...
  5. G

    Pakistan possible answer against india nuclear submarine

    1) Well, I don’t think any countries dare to mount a nuclear warhead on a cruise missile, just like no countries would mount a conventional warhead on a ballistic missile. It’s a universal acknowledgement that a CM means conventional and a BM means nuclear, so I think it will remain the same in...
  6. G

    Pakistan possible answer against india nuclear submarine

    And here are some rumors 1) China has canceled the lease of the 092G together with 12.5 billion investments in Gwadar port due to security reasons. It seems that Mr.10% has chosen the 11 billion US packages rather than the Chinese package singed by the ex-president. 2) The Indian N-sub...
  7. G

    Pakistan possible answer against india nuclear submarine

    Correct me if I’m wrong 1) Diesel subs can’t deliver nuke missiles, coz they are too small to lunch it. 2) The chances of N-subs to be sunk by D-subs are extremely slim, and ambush is the only chance for D-subs. Coz A. the N-subs can choose to engaged or not; B. the N-subs can...
  8. G

    Pakistan possible answer against india nuclear submarine

    well, i would be appreciated if you could answer these questions 1) nuclear subs cost billions not millions to be build, where did the money comes from? 2) which countrys would be the sources of these technologies or materals(powerplants, communication, weapon systems, and the steels that are...
  9. G

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 2]

    1) suppose you wanna to attack a southen airport of india, what other options do you have? 2) wiki infos US: Hyunmoo IIIC - 1500km AGM-86B 2,400+ km BGM-109 Tomahawk 2,500km Russia: Kh-55 2,500 km Kh-55SM 3,000 km China: DH-10 >4,000km
  10. G

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 2]

    well, i mean the long range missiles, 2000KM for instance. coz you have to assault every single airport within the enemy territory, not only the front line ones. in this case, a GPS system (or others) is needed. moreover, it is the ACs that you want to destory not the airport, so an long range...
  11. G

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 2]

    can this bird launch any cruise missiles? coz you don't have to trade your enemy plane by plane in the air, it has to land on somewhere eventually. And this is the most cost-effective way for PA to destory the enemy AC. of course i know a cruise missile project needs xxx billions to complete...
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