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  1. T

    Australia in hot water over 'very serious breach'

    Yes most PIO's living abroad would. Its more convenient to be passive. And please dont drop hints on laws in the west. I've lived and worked there enough to know that even Mr. Preet Bharara himself is nothing more than a second class citizen serving his white master (btw, so is Obama). I paid...
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    Australia in hot water over 'very serious breach'

    No you shallow human being. We are discussing the larger issue of white Australias reluctance in accepting people into their country. People who have far more moral and territorial rights to that continent than the white trash that rules it. try and get that through your think outer shell...
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    Australia in hot water over 'very serious breach'

    I can see the effect of your citizenship dude. Have some self esteem. The least you can do is lay off such topics so you dont embarrass yourself.
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    Australia in hot water over 'very serious breach'

    Research on what? You sound desparate for OZ acceptance. Preet Bharara brown sepoy syndrome.
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    Will the Taliban Destroy Pakistan?

    Im not sure what destroy means, but Taliban will split Pakistan. Their stated objective is Sharia and most Punjabis are opposed to it.
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    Indian Political Corner | All Updates & Discussions.

    how would modi handle krazyballs if modi became PM
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    Indian Political Corner | All Updates & Discussions.

    between now and elections a 2% swing can result in more than 30 of those seats going to BJP.
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    Indian Political Corner | All Updates & Discussions.

    ok now even you must agree thats fanboy talk. lets not do a guynextdoor thing
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    Indian Political Corner | All Updates & Discussions.

    Ok I will make one prediction. 63 seats+/- 5% will be decided by a vote margin of less than 2% edit. forgot the important part : BJP will be involved in 63 seats with a vote margin of less than 2%
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    Indian Political Corner | All Updates & Discussions.

    my personal psephology saar.:D
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    'Talk to India over basing US troops to tackle terror groups'

    Maybe he is hoping Krazyballs becomes PM. He anyway wants to sign over Kashmir to Pakistan.
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    Indian Political Corner | All Updates & Discussions.

    best case 213 and worst case 182 with 3 months to go. A 2% swing across India will take them to 207 worst case and 241 best case. this is bjp numbers without allies.
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    Relationship with China or America ? What is more important ?

    Neither China or the west is worth squat. The trading relations will continue because its a matter of survivl for all. But other than that we must adopt a confrontational attitude towards both China and the west. Thats the only language they will understand.
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    Indian Political Corner | All Updates & Discussions.

    Forget manifesto. What about the upcoming budget? Im sure Chidambaram has something up his sleeve that will ensure a 2-3% swing. And that may be enough to stop Modi if not allowing congress to get the numbers. End result will be a puppet third front PM will Sonia pulling the strings again.
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    Russia can't deliver on Fifth Generation Fighter Aircatft project : Indian Air Force

    Jay, do you want Dr trackwhack to beat you around like a fool and blow your racist cover? @Secur Jay and I have some history. Its not for nothing that I called him what I did. This racist dude openly goes around talking about his superior brahmin blood. I will not elaborate further about his...
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    Indian Political Corner | All Updates & Discussions.

    I am a useless kunt with an engineering degree from a cheapo college in karnataka. i had 3 iit cutlets working for me. IIT does not imply intelligent. some make it through rote learning.
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    Russia can't deliver on Fifth Generation Fighter Aircatft project : Indian Air Force

    And now we have a brown sepoy to further the case.
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    Russia can't deliver on Fifth Generation Fighter Aircatft project : Indian Air Force

    Take it easy guys. Ajai Shukla. Paid F-35 salesman.
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    Indian Political Corner | All Updates & Discussions.

    Its nothing more than a reflection of mallu arrogance and stupidity that exists in 80% of us. Once indoctrinated into one of the two parties (and at a very young age compared to the rest of the country), it is impossible to ever change our opinion. Every election, the swing voters who constitute...
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