Stealing someone's crowning work, their thesis that grants them a PhD. Wtf is this world becoming? No one is honest and no one wants to work hard. Shame on you.
He was. In the Mahabharata he tricks both the Kauravas and Pandas to fight each other for his own personal gain. In the war he purposely breaks dharmic code by doing cunning things like telling Yudhisthira to shout Drona's son is dead so he will lower his arms and be able to striken by an arrow...
Isn't depicting muhammed a sin in islam? Also the film shows people worshiping a baby muhammed, isn't that against islam because he is a prophet not a murti?
IGI is really good. When is T4 going to be built? Growth is 17%/year already
lol why you so jealous? Skytrax is based on USER review for that year. It's a completely different reviewing agency from the one posted here.