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  1. cyphercide

    US Proposal to transfer MRAPs to Pakistan Exposes Kabul Rift

    Sure. The far more rational approach would be to blame India for all the bad blood between Pakistan and Afghanistan. And for the record, Afghanistan vigorously protested when military equipment worth millions of dollars was deliberately shredded and sold for scrap by the Americans. Their...
  2. cyphercide

    US Proposal to transfer MRAPs to Pakistan Exposes Kabul Rift

    Why should India object to the transfer of equipment that only hold relevance in COIN/anti-terrorism operations? I can see how Afghanistan would have problems with the transaction but what significance does an MRAP have in the context of an India-Pakistan conflict? And why would we voice our...
  3. cyphercide

    Shamefully ignored by authorities, Salomi kills self(wife of Prof. T J Joseph)

    Why are you getting all riled up for? I did, in no uncertain terms, state that there is no justification to excuse what happened. The reason I did ask for a clarification is because I found it strange that a professor would choose a passage full of abuses, to frame a question in punctuation(he...
  4. cyphercide

    Putin Looks to Asia as West threatens to isolate Russia

    Relinquish Crimea? Of course not, I certainly don't recall stating something to that effect. What I did say was much would depend on what future course of action Russia decides to take. While there are no guarantees when it comes to Putin's ambitions, reminding him of what's at stake should he...
  5. cyphercide

    Putin Looks to Asia as West threatens to isolate Russia

    Which is why it is known as unilateral sanctions. The chief contention of the Indian argument is that they aren't routed through the UN. The same holds true with the case of Iran. India won't back western sanctions against Russia over Crimea: sources
  6. cyphercide

    Putin Looks to Asia as West threatens to isolate Russia

    Western sanctions aren't routed through the UN.
  7. cyphercide

    Putin Looks to Asia as West threatens to isolate Russia

    I don't think any traditionalist mindset is at play here. If you take out the annexation of Crimea, one can see some resemblance with sanctions hit Iran. With Iran, China and India were able to swoop down and secure some lucrative deals in the face of western sanctions. This not only provided...
  8. cyphercide

    Shamefully ignored by authorities, Salomi kills self(wife of Prof. T J Joseph)

    I was reading the Wiki page you posted. It seems that one of the accused successfully contested the elections while in jail!!! What a messed up situation!!!
  9. cyphercide

    Putin Looks to Asia as West threatens to isolate Russia

    I wasn't suggesting that a radical realignment was in order but rather Russia would look to lean on eastern powers in order to reverse some of the pressure that the West hopes to put it through. As article itself states, defiance by China alone is good enough to break any stranglehold. And less...
  10. cyphercide

    Pakistan | Where supporting Indian team doesn't get you expelled from Universities.

    If you feel the need to write on banners and take pictures in order to ostentatiously display Pakistani largesse, doesn't it defeat the entire purpose of the exercise? I don't think any Indian would mind giving Pakistan credit where it is due. However, unnecessarily drawing parallels with an...
  11. cyphercide

    Putin Looks to Asia as West threatens to isolate Russia

    I wrote a similarly worded post like the article in question a few days back: Putin thanks India for its stand on Ukraine | Page 3 It happens to be the far more simpler and logical explanation to Putin's motivations than what many members were theorizing earlier.
  12. cyphercide

    Shamefully ignored by authorities, Salomi kills self(wife of Prof. T J Joseph)

    Thanks for the clarification. It's hard to not see an element of mischief on the part of the professor. Either way, it doesn't serve as an excuse. Have any political parties/support groups offered any sort of assistance or is there an air of intimidation around the case?
  13. cyphercide

    Aleppo Clashes Threaten to Spill into Turkish Territory

    You look familiar.... Is Imrali Island the Turkish version of Gitmo?
  14. cyphercide

    Just one Cigarette

    Well, I'm 27 and I am still a bachelor. While I don't mind telling the neighborhood auntie and her kids about it, my primary concern is with the proposition of banging her in the near future!!! :D That said, my previous point was about air pollution and not smoking. You can quit cigarettes...
  15. cyphercide

    Just one Cigarette

    Taxation without representation!!! By the looks of it, the timeline might not be as far as our children.
  16. cyphercide

    Just one Cigarette

    Forget cigarettes, the air pollution in major metropolitan cities is enough to give you cancer many times over. The only reason the government makes a big deal out of smoking is to wash away some of that guilt. Rest assured, someone will have to pay the price for our collective sins one day.
  17. cyphercide

    Our Universe May Exist in a Multiverse, Cosmic Inflation Discovery Suggests

    The probable reason his post makes sense to you is because you know very little about the subject. It is unmitigated nonsense and I'd suggest you read up on the topic.
  18. cyphercide

    Shamefully ignored by authorities, Salomi kills self(wife of Prof. T J Joseph)

    It is? Quite the racy language for college(unless it has a different context in the local language), don't you think? What exactly are you teaching folks out there? :P
  19. cyphercide

    Chinese media: Kindergartens suspected of drugging students to boost attendance

    To be fair with regards to the current topic, comprehensive tests are being carried out by the Chinese government in multiple provinces:
  20. cyphercide

    Pakistanis in Karachi supporting Indian team but no sedition Charges!

    Agreed. The photo is indeed a revelation if it's proven to be authentic in the first place.
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