We have left with one choice to buy from China, there will be headache, because we experience of J17.
China bought 24- Su 35, which is modifying them, In end of Pakistan.
How much China put industries, nobody say about that................ do not be stupid, Check all that industries China had created in Pakistan. Better thank them , then say anything against them.
all they are talking about code BULLSHIT, That's under the Hand of Army Special Counsel . Nobody knows, who they are, neither Prime minister or President.
America gives AIDs to Pakistan to provides his Industries, because People of USA have job. otherwise, lot of People loose Jobs, Any Aid come USA, Will be Arms Etc..... Did they give Aids to help build the country, Provide Jobs to help People, answer is BIG NO>
CHINA is Mother of PAKISTAN, If we have problems their . we go to mother CHINA. Mother ask FOR BASE, we will give to him. We need. They can GAWADER, make deep water PORT for their Submarines, Frigi, etc etc........................
CHINA said Pakistan of them. CHINA is only one Nation, who...