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  1. Globalwarrior

    Pervez‬ Rasheed refuses to defend ‪‎ISI‬ chief in ‪‎HamidMir‬ case

    grow up everybody !! army can t have it both ways..absolute power and no questions asked ??
  2. Globalwarrior

    Allegations on ISI: Defence Ministry to move against Geo in PEMRA

    IF you want to have absolute power (army/ISI); then you should be ready to be questioned.... only morons would think HMir has said any thing on public tv which is against the interest of pakistan. !!
  3. Globalwarrior

    Why ZAID HAMID hate geo???

    damn moron !!
  4. Globalwarrior

    111 BRIGADE

    Only an enemy of pakistan will wish the army to take over. However, if the Army keep up their stellar history of takeovers, soon we will have to make Bangladesh our role model for progress and politics !! :((.. thank you army.. you only know how to conquer pakistan
  5. Globalwarrior

    Shahid Latif vs Ahsan Iqbal on Dunya News

    Cool down people This is not as simple as that, there is blame to go all around and no one's hands are clean.. bottom line, we all have to live within our space and don't get trigger happy, the army cannot continue to hijack the country again and again, enough.!! corrupt politicians u say...
  6. Globalwarrior

    Corps Commanders express displeasure over Defence Minister’s statement

    THIS IS lack of discipline on part of the army. They don't run the country. Leave it to elected officials. They do have a point, what is Mush doing in an Army institution ?
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