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  1. islamrules2020

    Who are Taliban’s key leaders in Afghanistan?

    the mercy in the heart of taliban they forgive the warlords who fought with the US nothern coallition to overthrow them back in 2001. they use a little force but so much wisdom. alot of Arabs say that they are following the Tactic of the Prophet Saw when he entred Mecca, he salla Allahu Aleihi...
  2. islamrules2020

    Who are Taliban’s key leaders in Afghanistan?

    the believers love Mullah Omar, we all remember what he said in 2001 : "Bush has promised us defeat but Allah has promised us victory, we shall see whos promised will be fulfilled " I guess Bush now knows who's boss.
  3. islamrules2020

    Indonisia ready to recognize the IEA

    Maulvi Abdul S. Hanafi, Deputy Head PO, IEA and his accompanying delegation met with Mr. Abdul Qadir Jilani, Indonesian Deputy Foreign Minister and his accompanying delegation via video link this evening. that's the first muslim country to recognize the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ...
  4. islamrules2020

    Who are Taliban’s key leaders in Afghanistan?

    these men are unknow on earth but very much known in the heavens , they are conquering Afg without even a real fight , these are lessons of patience and reward from Allah swt for us to contemplate.
  5. islamrules2020

    BREAKING! Kandahar has been captured!

    Germany will not provide any financial support to Afghanistan if the Taliban takes over power in the country and introduces Sharia law Taliban's better to change the Sharia with liberal globalist multiculti german gender fluid democracy says their gay looking forein minister , or so help him...
  6. islamrules2020

    BREAKING! Kandahar has been captured!

    this is some pretty heavy guy, he would be hard to hang from a tree or an electric cable 🤣
  7. islamrules2020

    BREAKING! Kandahar has been captured!

    Taliban dont care about economy or building a nation, they just want to secure their territory at first and avoid an attack by the chinks, before they can build up their military power but Allah knows best
  8. islamrules2020

    BREAKING! Kandahar has been captured!

    it should be blocked if u ask me, the evil Chinese know whats coming their way, they are already sadly in the bones of Pakistan, but if a Muslim coalition is created Pakistan wont be that needy to China against India, in all truth a new strong muslim empire is the only hope for the west to...
  9. islamrules2020

    #Sanction Pakistan is idiotic and childish at best

    sanction muslims for being pro Sharia why dont you just declare WW3 on all muslims . what a sad losers them kuffars are !! the best thing that happened to islam after Taliban is Prime minister Imran Khan. what a brave muslim ! The best thing that could happen to Pakistan is having a feroucious...
  10. islamrules2020

    China preparing to recognize Taliban if Kabul falls

    dude just try to say Assalamu Aleikom in occupied East Turkmanistan (Xinjiang) and see if you would still be around to tell the tale. them evil Chinese cant hide the truth, they even forced my gvt to hand over a brother from the ugurs living in Morroco bc he was tweeting about it. thats how evil...
  11. islamrules2020

    China preparing to recognize Taliban if Kabul falls

    Taliban can't do them evil chinese murderers right now, but once they finish off the gvt and establish the IEA, and maybe even unite the Muslim World, then tgey can invite the Western Alliance, the enemies of Today to become the ally of Tomorrow in the objectif of confronting the ungodly evil...
  12. islamrules2020

    BREAKING! Kandahar has been captured!

    we all remember what the late Emir Mullah Omar said : "Bush has promised us defeat but Allah swt has promised us victory, I guess we will see whos promise will be fulfilled " Bush right now must feel like the biggest idiot in the world , causing his country trillions just to hand over the...
  13. islamrules2020

    BREAKING! Kandahar has been captured!

    Taliban will never build a nation, they dont know how and never will, but thatsallgudman cuz all we need is the army of the black flags, the power of Taliban will encourage muslims across the world hopefully to challenge the New World Order that is enslaving us through the lie that is the...
  14. islamrules2020

    BREAKING! Kandahar has been captured!

    who is the Emir of the IEA ? that's a true muslim godly guided leader
  15. islamrules2020

    BREAKING! Kandahar has been captured!

    since the B52 still flying, the deal must be off, Taliban must not relax on the capture of Kabul,Allah swt must have bigger plans for the guys who defeated the two most evil empires, the hadit of the black flags coming from khurasan is supporting this theory, the jews better wish Taliban are not...
  16. islamrules2020

    Afghan Taliban capture an Indian🇮🇳 Mi-35 gunship donated to the Afghan airforce back in 2019. Left for Taliban on the tarmac by AAF. (serial # 123)

    Alhamdulillah, all muslims must pray for our brothers the mujahedines, Taliban are closing in on Kabul while their eyes are locked on Al Quds, Taliban will bring victory to all muslims soon inshallah
  17. islamrules2020

    Taliban launch Assault on Badgis capital and Other Cities

    I would not be oversimplifying if I said that there should be no doubt in nobody's mind that Taliban are supported by the Almighty Allah swt. these mujahedines have been patient for a long time but they never sold out Islam for wordly gains. and when a muslim is that patient, Allah's reward is...
  18. islamrules2020

    “We determined which responsibilities we will take in talks with the US and NATO. We will take this step in most appropriate way” Erdogan says

    Erdogan should STFU and get out of Afganistan, he is no use to Muslims anyways !! I wonder what did Joe promised him ? F35 ? it's pretty clear Turkey has no significant gain in helping Nato, I support Taliban against turkey any day of the week !
  19. islamrules2020

    7 Afghan Air Force pilots assassinated by Taliban as U.S. withdraws

    those pilots are flying to hell right now, good job by the Taliban
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