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  1. Rogue1

    Russian Su-57 without canopy

    Special addition cabriolet.
  2. Rogue1

    Altay & Turkish Main Battle Tank Programs

    We are all waiting.
  3. Rogue1

    Altay & Turkish Main Battle Tank Programs

    What are you saying? That if OTOKAR got the contract, MTU would have provided the engines???? Also, what if Turks wanted to export the tank with MTU engine? Truth is, it is better to produce the tank with domestic engine than one with a foreign engine.
  4. Rogue1

    TF-X Turkish Fighter & Trainer Aircraft Projects

    It seems that with the Turkish Moderator gone (as well as his gulenist buddies), we have moderator trolls to derail the tread.
  5. Rogue1

    Turkey’s Generation Z Turns Against Erdogan

    West should stay out of foreign politics and worry about themselves. Everyone has problems with exam results now due to coronavirus and we all know where there is discontent with leadership. I don't see any rioting in Turkey right now or government backed vigilantes killing innocent people.
  6. Rogue1

    TF-X Turkish Fighter & Trainer Aircraft Projects

    https://www.dailysabah.com/business/transportation/rolls-royce-posts-7-billion-loss-in-h1-2020-amid-pandemic Don't be surprised if the brits are a little more flexible now with the assistance program.
  7. Rogue1

    Blue Homeland (Mavi Vatan)

    First image i've seen with Aegean Sea delimitation marked out. They usually miss it out.
  8. Rogue1

    Featured GNA has just announced a ceasefire in Libya .

    Egyptian, Chinese and french members are turning this into some sort of victory. Hafter not long ago swore to take Tripoli, then he was walking away from talks for ceasefire. Now the HOR has echoed the GNA announcement of ceasefire. So who is the biggest winner? Oil pumping has resumed...
  9. Rogue1

    Blue Homeland (Mavi Vatan)

    I think they are either all contested islands or they are islands that have been militarised unlawfully.
  10. Rogue1

    Russian Air Force. Photos & Videos & Discussion

    Have there been any changes?
  11. Rogue1

    Blue Homeland (Mavi Vatan)

    Müstafi Tümamiral Cihat Yaycı: “Meis Adası hariç bölgedeki diğer ada, adacık ve kayalıklar üzerinde Türkiye’nin egemenliği devam ediyor. Fener Adası ve Kara Ada, Meis Adası’nın batı, güney ve doğusunu kapatmaktadır. Bu adalar Yunanistan’a ait değildir.” Does anyone know which islands are being...
  12. Rogue1

    TF-X Turkish Fighter & Trainer Aircraft Projects

    Perhaps an engine will be produced with lower thrust and/or short lifespan. Would that really be a problem? This is only a problem when you are competing with another engine such as JF17 case with Russian or Chinese engine. But if it is your own engine then the cost and life cycle of the engine...
  13. Rogue1

    Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

    French cheerleading the Russians once again.
  14. Rogue1

    France to defend Cyprus in case of attack in uncoming military agreement

    One thing is very true. The west is technologically superior. WWII deaths in total number 85 million. This is Western superiority at its finest. Mostly Westerners killing other westerners and dragging the rest of the world into it.
  15. Rogue1

    Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

    People have to give credit where credit is due but it seems that certain individuals here attribute any problem, obstacle or perceived failure - that Turkey encounter - to Erdogan personally. And the credit for anything positive is given to the Nation or the Military or Turks as a whole. This...
  16. Rogue1

    Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

    Turkish translation i suppose. They changed the article to niece after but yeni safak still says nephew.
  17. Rogue1

    Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

    Problem with your bunch (arabs) they only want white nations making bases and exploiting the natural resources of their country. Those same white nations have no problems with dictatorships and brutal regimes. But now Turkey is a dictatorship trying to kill arabs and take their land and oil...
  18. Rogue1

    Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

    Why Al Bab? Because of the M4 road that leads towards Manbij and northern Syria. They want this route opened bad so they are trying to make an excuse. Also why has Armenia decided to start right now. I appears that Russia wants Turkey busy in multiple places. They want to stretch Turks...
  19. Rogue1

    Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

    Selfie deployment
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