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  1. USAHawk785

    Why Arabs Lose Wars

    Just in the days of old, the city of Tyre was the gateway to Egypt. Retention of peace and stability in Tyre guarantees stability in Egypt.
  2. USAHawk785

    Turkish Tea House

    haha, i stand corrected. I want some Raki !
  3. USAHawk785

    US Navy's new warship, USS Zumwalt, can prepare for battle on its own: report

    lol. they're planning to build 32 of said ships. The USS Zumwalt and 2 others will be in operation by the end of this year....
  4. USAHawk785

    Turkish Tea House

    Thanks bro, okay, let's get back to the tea house then he he he. I still want to try 'ARAK'. :)
  5. USAHawk785

    Turkish Tea House

    Bro, I don't believe in the notion of 'idolatous altars'. You know why? Scripture states the following (Isaiah 66:1): Thus says the LORD, "Heaven is My throne and the earth is My footstool. Where then is a house you could build for Me? And where is a place that I may rest? 2"For My hand made...
  6. USAHawk785

    Turkish Tea House

    Yes he did. He's a nice guy, but didn't like when religious talks came up because he would go 'fire and brimstone' on our friends. My set of friends come from different religious backgrounds; christian, hindu, non-believing, muslim etc. So yea, not very healthy. Then i found out that he was also...
  7. USAHawk785

    Turkish Tea House

    God is a merciful God, His heart is an ocean of mercy. Repenting one's sin and living a moral life, and aware of one's human flaws while at the same time making the proper atonement , is pleasing to the eyes of God. Be one a jew, a christian , a muslim.
  8. USAHawk785

    Turkish Tea House

    In Christianity, the eating of boar and pig is lawful as Christ never condemned the eating of swine, rather he said what matters is what comes out of one's mouth rather than what goes inside a man that corrupts a man. The Quran also states this: [The Quran 5:5] Today, all good food is made...
  9. USAHawk785

    Turkish Tea House

    No, we have no right to claim anyone is a 'christian' or not. The Christian's relationship is between him/ her with The Lord Our God. Who alone reads one's heart and mind.....
  10. USAHawk785

    Turkish Tea House

    It is written that Sunday is the day of rest and to worship the Lord Our God. I personally try to go every sunday but sometimes im on call or can't go. If i can't i usually visit the perpetual adoration chapel at my local Parish. Most Christians who are actually practicing the Christian faith...
  11. USAHawk785

    Turkish Tea House

    Ive known plenty of Pakistanis when I was in medical school who would go to the mosque on fridays, and fasted during ramadan. But would also eat pork / ham during get togethers with other classmates. I actually asked him if he should do that since in islam that is considered haram. You know...
  12. USAHawk785

    Angela Merkel approves Germany's first minimum wage

    That's awesome man! Is the food over there okay?
  13. USAHawk785

    Majority of Finns Support Swedish Military Alliance

    True. In fact, during the Great Northern War, Sweden's staunchest ally was the Ottoman Empire; after Charles XII was released from Russian ransom, he made his way to Istanbul, and from there, back to Sweden. Hahaha. There's a place in the northside of Chicago that I like to frequent -- the...
  14. USAHawk785

    Angela Merkel approves Germany's first minimum wage

    An economist would disagree. Thanks for sharing your viewpoint.
  15. USAHawk785

    Majority of Finns Support Swedish Military Alliance

    A truly glorious military history. Personally, I have a lot of respect and interest in Swedish military history. Sometimes I wonder how history would have faired had the Kalmar Union remained united. A unified northern power in the Baltic could have influenced the Holy Roman Empire to the south...
  16. USAHawk785

    Turkish Tea House

    hahaha! oh i do know you you feel @Kaan . You know what you can do? Park at the disabled parking lanes when its not too busy. That's what i do. i admit. :p:
  17. USAHawk785

    Majority of Finns Support Swedish Military Alliance

    A Dane could say the same thing. Swedish military supremacy was witnessed during the 30 Year War, under the banner of Gustav Adolphus, who introduced the classical line infantry technique and perfected the full frontal assault tactic that would be used throughout the 18th and 19th centuries in...
  18. USAHawk785

    Majority of Finns Support Swedish Military Alliance

    he he, if I'm not mistaken, this map reflects the domains of the Swedish Empire prior to the Great Northern War. ps. i do admire the tenacity of Sweden's Charles XII. @A.P. Richelieu , Im sure you, as a Swede, known of the Battle of Narva. A perfect example of how a smaller force being...
  19. USAHawk785

    Majority of Finns Support Swedish Military Alliance

    Thanks for your input, @A.P. Richelieu. Currently, there is the Nordic Battle Group, which is composed of soldiers from Finland, Sweden, Norway with some contributions from Estonia and Ireland. The NBG is composed of roughly around 3,000 soldiers. As a rapid force, perhaps with recent...
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