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    Over 30 children sexually assaulted in Faisalabad district

    How can the accused head of gang be out on bail when even videos and pictures of their acts are available to prosecutors?
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    Yemen Rebels Threaten UAE Dubai with same drone bombing as the Saudis!

    Who stands to gain in a saudi - iranian conflict? Shia-sunni conflict is paying dividends to zionists beyond their wildest dreams.
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    Pakistan is no friend of Kashmir, either

    Our unity is like a cancer to these people. It makes them feel worthless, which is what they are in the bigger scheme of things.
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    Another GREAT propaganda By Haaretz against Pakistan

    Israel has not given up on its oppression of palestinians one bit. They have become more aggressive over the years. America has accepted jerusalem as capital and gradually others will too. On the other hand they have patiently eroded muslim unity on the palestinian issue. Arabs were pacified...
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    Former U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis is worried about Pakistan

    Very deep analysis. Consistent with his performance.
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    Huawei's Huge New Google Gamble Risks Losing Millions Of Users

    One possible reason US wouldn't want replacement of android is the loss of huge amounts of useful data and surveillance capabilities. Any user having harmonyOS will essentially be off-radar for US surveillance. It could even have an impact on conducting color revolutions worldwide.
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    Quran confirms evolution and human African roots.

    You would have to reject the whole body of hadith and sunnah to accept this explanation. Now where would that leave you as a muslim?
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    Iran urges India, Pakistan to engage in talks on Kashmir

    Such a shamefull statement. I wonder if they look at it in sectarian terms.
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    Documenting Internation reaction on Kashmir Genocide

    TURKEY http://www.mfa.gov.tr/no_236_-hindistan-anayasasi-nin-jammu-kesmir-maddesi-hk.en.mfa No: 236, 5 August 2019, Press Release Regarding the Annulment of the Article of the Indian Constitution Which Accords Special Status to Jammu-Kashmir We are concerned that the annulment of the Article...
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    10 armed forces personnel martyred in two terrorist attacks in N. Waziristan, Balochistan: ISPR

    I saw some videos of ambushes before waziristan operation. Our soldiers move mostly in toyota double cabins. If a good spot is chosen for ambush and you you are in a toyota there is little chance of survival once the vehicles stops. We definitely need armored vehicles along with extensive drone...
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    Pakistan - One Nation under Allah

    How do you define religion? Is secularism a religion?
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    Should've Used Bombs That Destroyed Buildings: Air Force Chief On Balakot

    That's new information, I think. Who would that 'friendly partner nation' be?
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    An insight into the minds of elites (PTI ministers)

    Supporters of political parties have taken upon themselves to prove that EVERYTHING their party does is unquestionably great and NOTHING that the opposing party is doing is right.
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    Most probably the result of NSAs meeting of Israel, US and Russia. Russians are interested in anti terrorist operations and don't want to get involved in israeli arab conflict. Israelis have strong influence in US and Russians don't want to mess with them for Iran, infact they would like to use...
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    Xi Jinping Should Capitulate, Not Because US Is Right, But For China’s Own Vulnerability

    What does caving in here mean? What exactly does US want?
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    look how pakistan punished modi

    India asked Pakistan for permission to use airspace which was granted. No big deal. When Indians found out they couldn't believe it. I think guys in Indian Foreign Office didn't follow Modi during the election season.
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