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  1. smooth manifold

    U.S. Reaches Deal in Principle With China, Awaits Trump Sign-Off

    so what? 1.4 billion domestic market cannot support Huawei? Excluding US, how big is VN+JP+TW combined?
  2. smooth manifold

    JMSDF chief calls for stronger ties with Vietnam

    that's called strategic maneuver and China had a big win. It proved Vietnam's pro-Soviet Union strategy is a total failure. What an irony for Vietnamese to call others lapdog.
  3. smooth manifold

    China's 1st domestically-built aircraft carrier, CV-17 Shandong, commissioned in Dec. 17, 2019

    first cut of steel Nov 2013 laid down March 2015 launched 26 April 2017 completed 25 April 2018 commissioned 17 Dec 2019
  4. smooth manifold

    CV-17 Shandong - Type 002 Aircraft Carrier News & Discussions

    no, I don't think 6th is correct. It should be no earlier than 6th, Dec.
  5. smooth manifold

    US: Video streaming App TikTok is threat to national security

    https://www.technologyreview.com/f/614665/tiktok-china-national-security-china-censorship-data-privacy/ The US government has launched a national security review of the Chinese-owned video platform TikTok, according to Reuters. Authorities think the viral meme app that brought the summer smash...
  6. smooth manifold

    Chinese rocket fell on residential area

    delays, failures and problems ≠ daydream
  7. smooth manifold

    Myanmar’s Generals Make a Show of Displeasure at China’s Arming of Rebels

    How come? Myanmar generals get huge political gains in fighting against the rebels. If the rebels were totally crushed, these generals would probably lose leverage in Myanmar's court infighting.
  8. smooth manifold

    Chinese rocket fell on residential area

    Hey bro, don't be modest. India's glory day is approaching. I've been waiting for this exciting moment since 2009. Good luck. http://archive.indianexpress.com/news/indias-manned-moon-mission-by-2020-isro/409771/ India's manned moon mission by 2020: ISRO The ISRO proposed to undertake the...
  9. smooth manifold

    India's GDP growth falls to slowest pace since 2013

    Don't worry. Modiji has great plans for India: A 20 trillion India is on the way. https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/economy/indicators/india-is-heaven-for-investors-want-to-make-it-20-trillion-economy-pm-narendra-modi/articleshow/49130437.cms?from=mdr Projecting India as a "heaven" for...
  10. smooth manifold

    Superpower by 2020 countdown

    Superpower India's glory day is approaching. Only one month left! http://archive.indianexpress.com/news/indias-manned-moon-mission-by-2020-isro/409771/ India's manned moon mission by 2020: ISRO The ISRO proposed to undertake the country's first manned moon mission by 2020 following the...
  11. smooth manifold

    Chinese rocket fell on residential area

    typical indian fake news. not surprised.
  12. smooth manifold

    Chinese rocket fell on residential area

    funny. sixty years behind yours? Are you involved in any those projects or what? When you are talking about who is behind who. You'd better specify which species you belong to.
  13. smooth manifold

    Chinese rocket fell on residential area

    Only one month left. How is Indian's manned moon mission going right now? http://archive.indianexpress.com/news/indias-manned-moon-mission-by-2020-isro/409771/ India's manned moon mission by 2020: ISRO The ISRO proposed to undertake the country's first manned moon mission by 2020 following...
  14. smooth manifold

    CV-17 Shandong - Type 002 Aircraft Carrier News & Discussions

    obviously fake news. It will not be in commission by Dec 6,2019.
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