No, unintended harm to civilian is not terrorism. A soldier killing his own mate by friendly fire is not terrorism.
A tiger killing a man is not terrorism.
A word is coined to explain a phenomena, so that it can be used in a particular context. Diluting it just to obfuscate and confuse oneself...
I have had jackfruit in southern and eastern states. Not sure which has good quality though.
I just saw this video, 2 yr old, in which jackfruit grower are unhappy over border fencing as they are unable to sell in bangladesh.
After 9/11 many govts brand any group terrorist just because they are fighting against them. But one crucial difference between a resistance group(militant) and a terrorist organization is seeing ordinary civilians are combatants(hence fair game), in-discriminant violence against random people...
Well may be he is dumb for you, but we need some such "dumb" people in India who show reality to audience, not constantly tell them what they love to hear, worry less about business and TRP.
I am sure army is hero for many people, but they are no longer above criticism.
So any new hero is welcome.
Rose petal for world backward walking competition champion? Sure.
Bullsh*t. The dutch were not armed to face the opponent.
Peacekeeping forces always face this problem, they end up doing something that was not told to them before.
There were 7 dutch guys with 1 pistol, 1 hand grenade and 1 anti tank missile. What will they do?
BBC News - Srebrenica: Dutch...
Nope, you dont.
Most cricketing heroes are discredited, except few notable one.
Hokey is not as good as it used to be.
You detest politicians, no hero there.
Army and ISI in soup recently, so they are no longer THE heroes.
All others are dead.
For those who are too impatient to read the blog, here are the main points
-He is among A few notable pakistani journalists have shown courage to go against public opinion
-No equivalent person in Indian media especially electronic one.
-We should try the format of one to one analysis, most...
This blog entry is a tribute a leading journalist in pakistan (and also to independent pakistani journalists in general)
Most Indians who want to know whats happening in Pakistan and what Pakistanis are saying about India intuitively visit the Dawn website. We come here to...
I think it is a short term goal to export unskilled labour.
In addition to that they can increase UN peacekeeping force, that will earn lot of money.
They are reducing the population growth for long term benifit, which is the right thing to do.