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    This Naswar s*** here is strong guys.. it was around 290 pages I last visited a day or two back.. :drag:
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    Srinagar: Fidayeen Return to the heart of Kashmir | PKKH.tv

    Yes, I have and have you heard of the insurgency in 89 after which AFSPA was applied?
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    Pakistan parliament passes resolution condemning Afzal Guru's hanging

    Pakistan is a state you cannot trust or believe, on one hand the most heinous crimes are swept under the carpet and on the other they pass resolutions for a terrorist who was sentenced by the apex court of our country.. They are more messed than I thought!
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    Srinagar: Fidayeen Return to the heart of Kashmir | PKKH.tv

    Caged animals are not allowed to vote, most of the times the story which plays out on the other side of the border :lol:
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    Srinagar: Fidayeen Return to the heart of Kashmir | PKKH.tv

    Because the grip is so strong in that side, I've read there was a Shia uprising in GB and it was neutralized super fast..
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    Don't we have enough crazies to take care of :D
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    Srinagar: Fidayeen Return to the heart of Kashmir | PKKH.tv

    Good for you but I asked why not talk about Pakistan mate, Kashmir is just not occupied by India.
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    Do we need to do any thing to Pakistan, the internal situation at present is bad enough.
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    Hizbul Mujahideen takes responsibility for attack on CRPF camp

    These terrorists are the biggest cry babies you see, Pakistan must stop them.
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    Srinagar: Fidayeen Return to the heart of Kashmir | PKKH.tv

    Please do speak, why do you shy away? What is stopping you?
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    Srinagar: Fidayeen Return to the heart of Kashmir | PKKH.tv

    If that way comes I'm sure Pakistan will be in 4 parts, if not more.. Thinking of that, if they don't split by that time India will split it. :D
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    Srinagar: Fidayeen Return to the heart of Kashmir | PKKH.tv

    Of course, just like in Kashmir people who want to blow up, believe in TNT and all that in the mainland India they are free to leave their land behind.. There was a reason why Jinnah did not get what he wanted in full cause he was not presented a menu :D
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    Group visa for Pakistanis put on hold by India

    Good move, these moves have not really brought any difference so why keep up the pretense?
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    India has three of world's five best airports: report

    Importantly they are privately managed.. Even a third grade airport will have better rankings than a Govt. operated one!
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    :lol: then check out Veena Malik, she is on a war footing too :cheesy:
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    Very few pics of her not showing cleavage, she's on a war footing it seems :P
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    Nirbhay Cruise Missile test failed.

    Thanks, now you gtfo!
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    India has three of world's five best airports: report

    Delhi T3 and RGIA, Hyderabad kicks ***... Mumbai not sure never traveled recently..
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    Nirbhay Cruise Missile test failed.

    It's all good, failures are a part of life.. I just pray that they close the issue as soon as possible. And why are we comparing it with Babur? If ISPR is to believed Babur is flying and operational, Nirbhay is not!
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    Thank you! :angel:
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