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  1. jnd3x0

    US drone strikes could be classed as war crimes | Amnesty International

    yes in India you can easily accept slavery but we here don't.
  2. jnd3x0

    Drunk Pakistan Airlines pilot jailed for nine months in UK

    :lol: well he deserved that.
  3. jnd3x0

    ‘Pakistan’s glaciers will melt by 2035’

    Timber is very profitable business but curse those who do it illegally and I think greener technologies in north areas might passively help but it's alarming indeed.
  4. jnd3x0

    Pakistan bomb: Seven Taliban killed in North Waziristan

    exactly and rift is need of the hour get your facts right. :coffee:
  5. jnd3x0

    Pakistan bomb: Seven Taliban killed in North Waziristan

    maybe I am or maybe not, but as Far I know this "green brigade" of yours don't consist of suicide bombers they are entirely respectable tribals protecting their area from extremists activities, as Far this bomb goes this mere can be accident or paid activity to increase the rift among groups...
  6. jnd3x0

    Pakistan bomb: Seven Taliban killed in North Waziristan

    nice story bro. Good please kill all these scums who are killing our people.
  7. jnd3x0

    Israel said to be working with Saudi Arabia on Iran strike plan

    well Israel is terrorist nation(not saying every jew is terrorist living there mind it just like as per your Islamic logic) because they occupied a country by enforcing force and we beat crap out of oppressors like we are doing in FATA ttp have taken beatings that they will never forget. are you...
  8. jnd3x0

    Afghan wants 150 Battle tanks and 1 Squadron of Attack choppers from India

    good luck to Indians arjuns and that chopper you recently made. market after all for you, utility for afghans, and knowledge for Pakistan about weapon system, it's a win win win deal. :enjoy:
  9. jnd3x0

    Israel said to be working with Saudi Arabia on Iran strike plan

    throwing me some biased sources wont help, I can link many anti Islamic propaganda links and feel good about it but no I don't need to. verses said in Quran have many meanings but I know non advocate killing of humans and highest tolerance is demand to be practiced (while some people do take...
  10. jnd3x0

    Israel said to be working with Saudi Arabia on Iran strike plan

    you don't know anything about me and yet labeling me with your nonsense judgement, I did the same so why it offends you and probably you ran out of argument so yeah suppose whatever you want yeah whatever anyways.
  11. jnd3x0

    Israel said to be working with Saudi Arabia on Iran strike plan

    look it's simple I'm no one to judge their faith they may be victims of hate preach it wasn't your fault if you get hateful teachers, secondly I don't support any terrorists or fascists what so ever my point is these people are using religion as tool for public support that's it. but blaming...
  12. jnd3x0

    First Drone strike in KPK province on Islamic seminary kills up to six

    solution is that if you think to go full against US i.e. shooting down the drown that will be very bad for pakistan as a fact we just can't face US one word(dependence) on so many grounds, while true option would be start massive scale operation and label lands as clear hence no drones then.
  13. jnd3x0

    Israel said to be working with Saudi Arabia on Iran strike plan

    yes we have whole reason to be offended when our values are being associated with the crimes and agendas that never was stated in our religion or never being part of our religion. if you think getting offended on insult of your values is being a fool then you need to get a life or get over it.
  14. jnd3x0

    Israel said to be working with Saudi Arabia on Iran strike plan

    look what a fool emerged did you even understand what I was pointing I was pointing this "Islam is being abused" and asking him to halt insulting Islam with his retard terms.
  15. jnd3x0

    Thousands of strong force to take on China

    My God what a beautiful place Tibet is. This must be added into my places to visit list.
  16. jnd3x0

    Pakistan can earn $4b by selling forest carbon

    No one dares to damage the forests!
  17. jnd3x0

    Do Americans cheat? Yay or nay?

    they may cheat others but they are true to themselves and work for their country's best interest. that many countries lack specially south Asian countries ... I mean people speaking shit for USA over here I bet if USA offer them with green cards no one will have guts to say no lol
  18. jnd3x0

    Israel said to be working with Saudi Arabia on Iran strike plan

    unfortunately you'r just what your media feeds you. when I said agenda which means they use it, as said above it's not religion fault if it is use to justify their agenda. Islam never told to blow up people or kill if you'r non believer it rather say preach them so they can understand according...
  19. jnd3x0

    Israel said to be working with Saudi Arabia on Iran strike plan

    it's part of their agenda to use the name of religion otherwise if you have bit sense you would understand duh.
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