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  1. Da-Bang

    Indian aggression on LOC: Pakistan Army Soldier Martyred

    Why Pakistani crying about one soldier, what about 20 soldiers kidnapped by taliban in Pakistan, anybody hear about them yet, or all you do is shout at India Pissistan lol thats a nice nick for Pakistanis, urf pissistanis :lol:
  2. Da-Bang

    New chief of Pak Taliban faction fought Indian troops in J&K

    You gotta be kidding me, dint your assets just chop oof 20 soldiers of yours!!! Why this infatuation with supporting terrorists?
  3. Da-Bang

    New chief of Pak Taliban faction fought Indian troops in J&K

    Ahh the irony, terrorists trained to kill Indian Army in Kashmir are now killing Pakistan Army :lol:
  4. Da-Bang

    Political drone attack in 3 days: Altaf

    I think he meant that too. But some people say Pakistani public is highly opposed to drones, therefore sounded funny. :)
  5. Da-Bang

    Political drone attack in 3 days: Altaf

    Lol is he making fun of drone attacks or referring to their effectiveness.:-/?
  6. Da-Bang

    Can Pakistan Lead Afghan Peace Process?

    How about Pakistan lead peace process within its country first and leave afghan to afghanis. Recently Pakistan is more insecure than Afghanis.
  7. Da-Bang

    Secular Pakistan or Islamic state Pakistan?

    If Pakastan is not Islamist whats the point of being a Pakistan. Whats th whole point of partition anyways, atleast would have been better of with India ...
  8. Da-Bang

    Rape India Rape | PKKH.tv

    Many Pakistanis are so bigoted, how can you denigrate religion like this, this pkkh guy should be banned :angry:
  9. Da-Bang

    Bangladeshi Spy arrested in Meghalaya

    Hahaha funny thread, never knew bangalis can conquer India. Somebody needs to remind these poor guys daddy saved their ***** in 1971.
  10. Da-Bang

    Gunmen kidnap seven Pakistani soldiers in Punjab

    You mean you can see the truth buried in shadows all the generals and colonles combined cannot see and let their soldiers be butchered, you got some vision man!!!
  11. Da-Bang

    Are Muslims Better Off in Quaid-e-Azam M.A. Jinnah's Pakistan Today?

    I think since Pakistan is a Islam based state we should compare it to Islamic states only, comparison with India or China is not justified. If they are happy being an Islamic state with its shortcomings its their choice, its not like they wanna be secular or anything. So comparatively...
  12. Da-Bang

    Gunmen kidnap seven Pakistani soldiers in Punjab

    If army cant guard its borders whats the point in having an army at all...:what:
  13. Da-Bang

    Gunmen kidnap seven Pakistani soldiers in Punjab

    Hmm things seem to be pretty bad in Pakistan for the Army, they are kidnapped from the cities...and taken where...:O It can't be that hard to find them!
  14. Da-Bang

    Drone strike kills four in South Waziristan

    But the news says its militants that were killed, thats good no??
  15. Da-Bang

    Baithak: Cultures & Colors of Pakistan.

    Pardon me but what glorious history??? Punjab has always been the playground for foreign conquerors with whatever native population at the time hardly givng a fight except for maybe Porus and later the Sikhs who had the distinction of the last state to fall to the british. After Porus and...
  16. Da-Bang

    How are drones countered?

    You need BALLS!!! Case in Point ---Iran.
  17. Da-Bang

    Baithak: Cultures & Colors of Pakistan.

    Try to understand rather than just post for the heck of it. Where was it said that non-punjabis shouldnt talk in punjabi, it was one of the other guys saying urdu educated people in Pakistani punjab don't know Punjabi. Race supremacist :lol: funny little guy
  18. Da-Bang

    Baithak: Cultures & Colors of Pakistan.

    Your knowing some random Punjabi doesnt change the fact that Pakistanis punjabi is funny . I don't hate urdu, why would I when I dont care about it. I just explained to him Urdu isnt native to punjab, punjabi is. Again how does it matter if urdu literates understand punjabi or no, they arent...
  19. Da-Bang

    Pakistan is China's number one ally: Chinese experts

    Pakistan is China's number one ally....ofcourse...there is no number two to take Pakistans place!!
  20. Da-Bang

    Are Muslims Better Off in Quaid-e-Azam M.A. Jinnah's Pakistan Today?

    Yesterday Muslims in Pakistan dies off bomb blasts, in India no muslim dies of bomb balsts, how come you are better?
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