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  1. RedBaron

    Pakistan's Airborne Early Warning and Control Aircrafts

    MastanKhan, you are a ThinkTank sir. So I expected a more balanced opinion above. I would like to mention a few points in response to your statements: 1> India has a number of profitable well-managed companies. The Birlas, Tatas, Reliance, Bajaj, Godrej all have been in business for decades...
  2. RedBaron

    IAF sets up aerospace control base

    Great news! This is really exciting stuff...:cheers: I guess the next step is the Phalcons/Elbit/GreenPine hook-up to create a true AWACS grid? Any analysis available on this in public domain that describes possible landscape scenarios with range/capabilities? I read somewhere on this forum...
  3. RedBaron

    The Luck Of The Chinese

    I generally appreciated your post till I came across the above. I hope you mean it figuratively, as this has no basis in truth. Chinese troops "in sight of Delhi"? How is that? China decided to return to the McMahon line in NEFA (as Arunachal Pradesh was then called) in the north-east, and...
  4. RedBaron

    The Luck Of The Chinese

    First off, let me confess that I admire China for lifting itself out of misery after the Cultural Revolution. Its leaders like Deng Xiaoping had exceptional vision and his successors have relentlessly focused on the vision of a resurgent China. The result has been a healthy and prosperous...
  5. RedBaron

    The Onion: Volatile India-Pakistan Standoff In 11,680th Day

    The entire history of Indo-Pak conflict all in 2:30 minutes and even a very believable solution at the end of it all...enjoy.:lol:
  6. RedBaron

    Pakistan's Overbearing Army

    You raise an interesting point. The comparison with USSR is a bit far-fetched, but the argument is valid in two regions, one of which you mentioned: - The Afghan pledge no doubt is a good example of India using her economic assets as a foreign policy tool, not a first for India but definitely...
  7. RedBaron

    Pakistan's Overbearing Army

    I'm no military strat expert, but I'm not sure the above is true. Historically, India has opened a front on the Punjab front to relieve pressure elsewhere. E.g. when India was caught by surprise by Operation GrandSlam in Kashmir '65 (post-Gibraltor) and lost some ground there, she opened the...
  8. RedBaron

    Crossing the Lines: Pakistan, Kashmir, India

    The above is a documentary by Eqbal Ahmad Foundation and presents a balaced view of the Kashmir issue with perspectives from a number of parties...
  9. RedBaron

    'Declare FATA Part of Afghanistan War': US Think-Tank

    First of, Pashtun, thank you for your detailed response. I am obviously no expert on FATA/Afghan/Pak ethnic and geo-political matters, so your notes are useful. I would however like to clarify some points: Regarding Indian influence in Afghanistan, there is no question GoI sees GoA as an...
  10. RedBaron

    'Declare FATA Part of Afghanistan War': US Think-Tank

    Where are the eight? I know of only four apart from the embassy in Kabul: Jalalabad, Kandahar, Herat and Mazar-e-Sharif. Of these, only the Jalalabad consulate is close to FATA border. And is there a paper-trail showing linkage between the "miscreants" and the Indian consulates? Who are...
  11. RedBaron

    'Declare FATA Part of Afghanistan War': US Think-Tank

    A diary from an administrator in Swat: BBC NEWS | South Asia | Swat diary: 'Taleban rule now' The Taliban are on a murderous spree there killing villagers and FC alike, burning down girls schools. I'm pretty sure the locals dont want the Taliban around...
  12. RedBaron

    USA is selling ANTI-MISSILE SYSTEM to INDIA ???

    And here's the news with US officials denying any sales talk... AFP: Pentagon denies missile defense sales talks with India
  13. RedBaron

    'Declare FATA Part of Afghanistan War': US Think-Tank

    The video is excellent education. These guys know what they are talking about and offer some invaluable advice. One can only hope GoP has the willpower to effect at least some of the recommendations. I'm obviously not a Pakistani but even an outsider like me can clearly see that these...
  14. RedBaron

    USA is selling ANTI-MISSILE SYSTEM to INDIA ???

    I'm pretty sure your concern is shared by quite a few within the US defence/foreign affairs establishment and the GoI is aware that the onus will be on India to assuage these concerns. Personally, I see signs that India is slowly beginning to reduce the dependency on Russia by exploring Western...
  15. RedBaron

    USA is selling ANTI-MISSILE SYSTEM to INDIA ???

    If by "ally" you mean countries that toe the US line like Mr Blair did back in the dodgy WMD dossier days, then India would prefer being "un-allied", thank you. If you view the glass as half-empty, you can cite India's coziness with the erstwhile USSR, its failed market-socialist mixed model...
  16. RedBaron

    Pakistan's War - Documentaries

    Fatman17, thank you sir. I did not mean to suggest PA regiments are segregated (if I may use the word) along regional lines. Rather, I meant to focus on difficulties that non-native troops may face if stationed on a long-term basis in the tribal areas. In the IA, the distribution is probably...
  17. RedBaron

    Pakistan's War - Documentaries

    This is British-era legacy and is really a reflection of current-day regional divisions (or to put a positive spin on it, diversity) in the subcontinent. In India, we have Sikh/Dogra/Deccan/Madras/Gurkha regiments and unless I'm mistaken, rural Sikh boys join Sikh regiments, and so on...A...
  18. RedBaron

    Pakistan's War - Documentaries

    IMO the bulk of troops have got to be "native" to the tribal areas. Can't imagine the problems that may occur if Punjabi/Balochi/Sindhi/Kashmiri regiments are stationed in these remote areas for the long-haul. Even though the troops are professional, the tribals harbor an inherent distrust...
  19. RedBaron

    'ISI killing US troops in Afghanistan'

    Exactly! The simple truth is Afghans need roads, hospitals, schools, and yes, some tacky but escapist Bollywood movies to provide some respite from the all-encompassing gloom out there. And that is what India is providing them... RAW most certainly has a presence but why would they not take...
  20. RedBaron

    Pakistan's War - Documentaries

    Acc to the wiki page on Pak Army structure Structure of the Pakistan Army - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia , the only PA Corp actively involved in FATA operations is XI Corp based in Peshawar. XI Corp consists of 7th (Golden Arrows) and 9th Infantry divisions. I'm assuming 9th is not deployed...
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