Zero leverage...investors invest in Vietnam because they can import supplies from China and re export to USA and Europe... if China stop exports to Vietnam then nobody will invest in Vietnam...
If China must give Islands to Vietnam because of French occupation, then Vietnam should give some land to combodia. :)
Actually what Vietnam cry for, they do 1000x worse to Combodia and Laos.
Philippines and Vietnam are notorious land grabbers, of course they get along well. Best friends. But still their added GDP is so the way...looking at some statistics... Pinoys are doing much better than Viets ! How is that possible ? It's like India doing better than China => Never...
18m$ to spend in Macau.
^ You should definitely do it...I wonder why you don't...maybe because its not win-win, more like Win-lose, something that you don't understand, but your leaders do.