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  1. P

    F-35 to KSA ?

    Mash'Allah if they get it. Wouldn't be better for Saudi Arabia to get J-20 to lessen its dependence on the USA?
  2. P

    Tata Motors drives into Indonesia

    Can't believe Indonesia would accept TATA motors. They should go with Chinese cars. They are much better.
  3. P

    China must teach Japan a lesson, says Chinese daily

    LOL for the Indian members bashing China, Japan is not a strong country anymore. Japan has a declining population. Japan doesn't even have a real military force. Japan has no nuclear weapons. Japan's time is up, and so India will have her time up. India has unjustly occupied Kashmir and South...
  4. P

    Pakistan's terrible idea to develop battlefield nukes

    The western writer is a just a bloody idiot. innovating tactical nukes is a brilliant idea. THe western author is just jealous that the rest of the world has caught up now and swallow it. :)
  5. P

    Dr Shakil Afridi claims ISI regards US as "worst enemy"

    Actually it is a Pakistani forum. The admins can simply ban Indian members and that would be end, wouldn't it be? And also ban IP addresses from India. Right, the USA needs to leave the region. What are they doing here.
  6. P

    Pakistan 'in' South Asia

    Indians want poison us with their venom. Pakistan is part of the Islamic world and Pakistan is a Central Asian country. End of discussion.
  7. P

    China to name its first aircraft carrier 'Liaoning'

    Congratulations to our Chinese allies. May the Chinese have more achievements to be proud of. PakShah
  8. P

    Japan 'To Announce Disputed Island Purchase'

    I do believe that Japan and China have closer culture than say Pakistan and India. Pakistan and India have vastly different cultures. Why doesn't China simply take this issue to the UN?
  9. P

    Pakistan to ink deal with Tajikistan

    Allah ka shukr, Tajikistan and Pakistan are Muslim countries, we are almost neighbors, its just the Wakhan corridor that separates us.
  10. P

    Japan 'To Announce Disputed Island Purchase'

    Why doesn't Japan resolve the territorial dispute according to just and moral principles? lol, Doesn't Japan know that China is a now Super Power and injustices to China can mean complete annihilation? Within 10-15 years China will be competing with the US in almost every field. These aren't...
  11. P

    Pakistan, Russia agree to boost defence cooperation

    @topic good initiaive. One more thing, if the Russian can ditch India that would be the best they could do for their national interests. Pakistan-China-Russia axis would work out.
  12. P

    Canada & Quebec to divorce ?

    What about the small countries like Bahrain, Qatar, and Brunei? If the Quebeckers want independence what can anybody do. Afterall Canada claims to be a democracy!
  13. P

    China confirms takeover of Gwadar port: Report

    First take care of your own problems. India is right facing the 3 evils: 1)Naxals 2)More poor than Sub-Saharan Africa 3)Prostitution- See the Born into Brothels documentary about prostitution in Kolkata.
  14. P

    Egypt Islamist says heavy metal concert Satanist

    Well I wouldn't like stupid members like you posting inappropriate content on PDF. I agree with the Egyptian Islamist completely. look at the people in the picture, they are completely disgusting. There is a piercing below his lips. Look at they way they behave and dress, absolutely...
  15. P

    Egypt Islamist says heavy metal concert Satanist

    You're right and don't forget prostitution. Yeah they its "ok" to go naked in the streets and look like prostitutes.
  16. P

    Muslim network Salamworld aims to be Facebook rival - BBC NEWS

    What nonsense are you talking about? Pakistan has a great history- Indus River civilization and The Kushan Empire. Stop trying to think that Pakistan was a "province" of India. Pakistan is as different to India as Myanmar is.
  17. P

    Muslim network Salamworld aims to be Facebook rival - BBC NEWS

    Who cares what you think. In Facebook there are pages which has anti-Islamic content. SalaamWorld is an alternative to Facebook, if those who control facebook cannot respect other religions and or cultures.
  18. P

    Israel and Pakistan

    Obviously the enemies of Islam would never want Sharia law to be implemented in Pakistan, because they want Pakistan to be destroyed. Most of people of the Muslim League were practicing Muslims. Chaudhry Rehmat Ali Chaudhry Niaz Ali Khan Muhammad Asad formerly known as Leopold Weiss...
  19. P

    LOL Romney Mocks Chinese Moon Landing programmes

    Why. lol. Because we know he is an arrogant dog and an idiot like Bush. lol.:lol:
  20. P

    Israel and Pakistan

    As a Muslim from Pakistan I demand Sharia law for Pakistan and nothing less. If a Thief steals he/she should have her hand cut off. If an adulterer is caught he/she should be stoned to death. Jinnah never said Pakistan should be a secular state. I want what Islam says, not what any...
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