I am suspect of the Congress gov. They opposed state flag in 2012. Now is it setting up a panel to deflect protests fro Hindi in Metro protests? The panel will come after the next election it is illegal.
I thought illiterate migrants coming to South think India is Hindia. I do not blame them at all because that is what was believed in Hindi states.
I thought reasonably educated people exposed to outside Hindi belt living in UK know the linguistic diversity of India. I was wrong...
China should help the break up of India into its constituent nations like Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Keralam, etc. Break up of Soviet Union ended the power of Russia.
Was there a Hindi word in the advert? No. Why the hell did u idiot Hi-indians think there would be all Hindi songs? Even if there wrre no Hndi siongs it would be ok but there were atleast half were Hindi songs.
Also there was tamil in the advert. The advert says “From Roja to Rockstar, Kaatru...
Interesting news.
Right now Kochi Metro has Malayalam, English, Hindi in boards in that order. Hi-ndian gov Department of Official Language sent a letter to them asking them to "elevate" Hindi to 2nd place!
The 1947 referendum declared Nagaland, within the territories of that time, as independent. Instead of accepting that, India sent its army and occupied Nagaland.
Hindi is not mentioned anywhere in the adverts. Only non-English word in the asverts is a the Tamil name of a Tamil movie. AR Rehman is a Tamil. If idiot Hind-ians went thinking all Hindi all the time, that is their fault.
Non-Hindi states should ask all Hindi migrants to pass a test in state...
Nowhere in the program did it say Hindi concert or Hindi songs. Why did these Hin-dian idiots think it would be primarily Hindi. Bengalis did not think so. Telugus did not. Malayalis did not........
How did promoters mess up? What made the idiot Hindia-ns think all songs would be Hindi? Did these idiots think that the Tamil musician would sing no Tami songs?
This is Hin.dian arrogance thinking India is Hindia!