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  1. B

    Iranian Chill Thread

    In your opinion, do you think if Iran gives up it's nuclear program the West will remove the sanctions?
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    Iranian Chill Thread

    Simply untrue. Picking between 2 pre-determined candidates with no policy differences is not democracy. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/perspectives-on-politics/article/testing-theories-of-american-politics-elites-interest-groups-and-average-citizens/62327F513959D0A304D4893B382B992B#...
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    Ukraine to slash ties with Iran over 'evil' drones supply to Russia

    The pre-Maidan government did, the post-coup government is pro West. That article is from 2005 and as far as I know no sales or cooperation has taken place since the coup.
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    Iran to supply Russia with “hundreds” of Drones

    No, it's still under development
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    US becoming ‘developing country’ on global rankings

    It's pretty common in rural areas to use wells for water, not have indoor plumbing, and essentially live in not much more than a trailer. Plus limited access to services like healthcare, you can be driving up to 4-5 hours for doctor's appointments. The highway system is well developed that's true.
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    Iranian Chill Thread

    All that is now is the flag of the monarchy, Iran doesn't need a king, the people should rule.
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    US becoming ‘developing country’ on global rankings

    What's a mid tier city to you?
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    US becoming ‘developing country’ on global rankings

    It always has been, when you leave the big famous cities (and even then only the rich parts) it's a whole different world. People only see the fancy parts in movies and on TV.
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    Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

    Wonder what system was used to shoot this down? Was it picked up by radar or was it a manpad? Not sure if these get hot enough to get picked up by IR missiles
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    Iranian Ground Forces | News and Equipment

    No it's not better, but having 24 Su-35 is not a very good option against the hundreds of gen 4 and 5 fighters of our regional enemies. If you want access to the engine then buy 3 or 4 and pick them apart, I could support that move but either buy enough where they'll make a difference or don't...
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    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    No they can make AESA radars just not in large numbers as demonstrated by the fact they have only made 6 Su-57s with Byelka AESA radars. 24 Su-35 is an even more useless number than 60. All this discussion is based on rumors, planes like Su-30 are relevant to the discussion because we cannot...
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    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Yes exactly, it's not a question of whether can make an AESA radar at all but whether they can actually make them in numbers to deliver to a potential buyer. How many Byelka radars/Su-57s have been produced? 6? We're not dealing with the Soviet Union anymore, Russia is putting rubber blocks...
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    Chinese UAV News & Discussions (Strictly)

    What is the name of the bottom right drone?
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    The Kohinoor diamond was obtained by the British Empire. Some argue it should be returned to India.

    All treasures looted by English should be returned with reparations.
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    Iranian Chill Thread

    And how does Iran benefit from restricting personal freedoms like owning dogs or forcing hijab? Enough enjoy a decent enough standard of living that when the ones who don't get their skulls caved in by cops they don't blink an eye, and that will change as the majority get poorer but that's...
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