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  1. Tshering22

    France election: polls open with Macron and Le Pen vying closely for presidency

    Le Pen has promised to move away from this meaningless war madness against Russia. Sure, she's not the sharpest in the toolbox, but she has enough sense to veer France away from the Anglo-American insanity. Meanwhile from what I understand, Le Pen is resonating quite well with the French people...
  2. Tshering22

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

    This madness has to stop. The constant supply of arms by UK to the Ukrainian Zelensky forces is going to make this war bloodier. Basically, NATO is fighting Russia to the last Ukrainian. Instead of leaving some neutral ground for negotiations, they are intimidating everyone to pick a side...
  3. Tshering22

    BREAKING : Canada chooses to buy F-35 fighter jet, will begin talks with Lockheed Martin

    Several aerospace companies from US have significant investments in Canada. That includes engine maker Pratt & Whitney, whose components could be locally produced by the Canadian entity. Basically, this deal would create jobs in Canada since Canadian and American economies are integrated. Did...
  4. Tshering22

    Israel boosts ties with Arab allies, Palestinians not included

    I heard that MBS had reached out to normalize ties with Iran. According to some reports, he even sought a meeting with your supreme leader and president claiming that you both can learn to live in co-existence and that enmity is a thing of the past. Correct me if I am wrong here.
  5. Tshering22

    Oil rises to over $120/bbl after attack on Saudi facilities

    Something has to be done about the control oil has over so many countries. This is not a good thing to depend on one source so completely and overwhelmingly. OPEC+ has too much power and influence. Decentralized micro-grids and EVs are still too slow in their development and lithium isn't...
  6. Tshering22

    Victoria Nuland: ‘Russia-China axis not good for India… US can help with defence supplies’

    Are you hit in the head? The US is right now at its most critical against our government. Victoria "regime change" Nuland met some commie anarchists in our country under the guise of "youth leader program". These people are under government watchlist already after the violence on last year's...
  7. Tshering22

    Biden: Putin “cannot remain in power”

    :lol: Yeah and the FSB will sit quiet isn't it? Even Macron condemned this statement from the US as it would augur even more tensions in a fragile environment. Asking for a regime change within Russia is nothing short of indicating that the CIA is ready to start WW3. Roman Abrahmovich already...
  8. Tshering22

    Hegemonic and colonist mentality behind Australia’s threats to invade Solomon Islands

    Maybe Solomon Islands would become like Djibouti; hosting both Chinese and Australian soldiers at the same time. Imagine that :lol:
  9. Tshering22

    India 'deeply regrets' accidental firing of missile

    This thread is longer than the official incident's reportage in the news media. :lol: . The misfiring happened, Pakistan raised the issue, we started the investigation and found it be a technical error, Pakistan cautioned us to be careful. Incident is long over. Time to maybe close the thread?
  10. Tshering22

    Uganda signs MoU with HAL for maintenance and technical support of SU-30 jets

    Perhaps temporarily evading attention from the Western countries. This seems more like an interim commercial arrangement. Though just curious as to why Uganda would even bother about CAATSA. It's not like they are a major US trade partner.
  11. Tshering22

    HAL loyal wingman project to go airborne by 2024

    Each lab has a different function and allocation. Submarines take time, especially now when we are relatively new. What ticks me off is the delay in UAV projects and why the top leadership not demanding heads for this consistent delay.
  12. Tshering22

    Socialist hypocrisy & lies: Deliberate provocation to drive a wedge between real socialists and non-socialists

    100% Socialism is about as realistic as Narnia,. No country on earth has ever been able to achieve it nor ever will. Why? Because the world runs on realpolitik, not idealism. The key is to be able to balance one's growth ambition with a basic humane touch of socialistic aspects,. Any country...
  13. Tshering22

    White House to Seek $813.3 Billion National Security Budget

    The point is not to spend but know what you're doing with it. There's no limit to spending on defense, but when you are blessed with so many other industry, where does all this spending lead to under irresponsible politicians. US was doing well under Obama and even Trump (he didn't start any...
  14. Tshering22

    INDIAN Byju's announced as the official sponsor of FIFA World Cup 2022

    No one is forcing the parents to buy the program. They buy it because of their obsession with forcing kids to score numbers rather than actually understand what they are doing. The entire education system is geared towards scoring marks rather than actually learning something. I was an above...
  15. Tshering22

    Can Modi's India Be Trusted With Nukes?

    Technical errors are detected by a simple fact that the missiles don't carry warheads while testing; especially near international bordering states. Those tests are usually routine checks. No one keeps their missiles locked and loaded all the time (except maybe air defense systems) to ensure...
  16. Tshering22

    Arnab is going viral in China

    Contrary to what most people believe, India doesn't jump camps. The trick is to consolidate BRICS while remaining a part of the QUAD. Both have different objectives, namely, intra-developing world trade and regional logistics facilitation respectively. It's just you Pakistanis take foreign...
  17. Tshering22

    Putin wants 'unfriendly' countries to pay for Russian gas in roubles

    That's what it really feels like. It's weird since they didn't want to remain in Europe and instead, wanted to focus on problems outside the area. Plus, this war is a blessing in disguise for Boris who is being hated on in the UK for local politics :lol: . No wonder he took it up with so much...
  18. Tshering22

    White House to Seek $813.3 Billion National Security Budget

    This war machine will only stop when the currency goes kaput. And that's not happening anytime soon.
  19. Tshering22

    US sanctions on China over Ukraine not ‘necessary or appropriate’ —US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen

    Sanctioning China? For a country that owes its maximum debts to China, this is not even worth publicly talking about it. Seriously, what were the planning to do? Stop trading? :lol: They do that and then China starts dumping dollar by the shiploads.
  20. Tshering22

    Putin wants 'unfriendly' countries to pay for Russian gas in roubles

    Thanks for the recommendation. I have spent some time in Singapore, though that was more or less a basing area for projects in your country. Singapore seems to be a country that wants to ensure that it is prepared for any eventuality. It's a good thing, but it also keeps everyone on the edge all...
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