Do they have a choice other than agree with the government? They are arresting people just for joking about Xi so... i'm sure that most North-Koreans also agree that Kim is best leader ever.
Both Chinese and Indians have too many soldiers so they dont have money to give good quality gear for all their soldiers. If you look new equipment their backpack straps etc are made from same material as dollar store camping gear... it looks exactly the same instead typical military stuff.
Not being part of corrupted Soviet Union was a good win enough. Back in the day when "eastinghouses" were build Soviet engineers and workers thought that average Finnish supermarkets were a capitalist plot to make Soviet Unions stores look bad... lol.
Accidentally deleted my last post about Eurofighter PR guy who used "tranche 4" in local radio interview last year.
Apparently it's not uncommon if you look first pic about this German purchase.
For a nuclear submarine part of the triad at least four are needed so one is on sea all the time while others are on refit or otherwise not in patrol mode.
Constitutonial republic is best way forward for most countries as it offers longer term stability vs countries with single party or strongman on the helm.
If we look at history dictartorships have usually failed or are fundamentally weaker than democracies. Example: Saudi and Syrian rulers need...
Soon there will be cheap kamikaze drones making tanks and other vehicles even more vulnerable from longer ranges. 105mm is what Chinese are using on their latest light tank despite it's potential opponents being Indian T-72/90 tanks.
That's what I was wondering because apparently "Britain at the commonwealth helm" attitudes are gaining ground in Britains right-wing/conservative circles (no surprise there), so I thought what people who live outside UK but in commonwealth countries think about it.
Do you see anything...
At least what I have seen neither country is putting that much money on training or equipment outside few selected units so they’d be fighting on mountain territory with mainly artillery and light infantry. Indian army has more experience in fighting while China has more equipment.
I doubt it...
There are some plans (or maybe fever dreams of few) in post-Brexit UK about making commonwealth of nations stronger economically, better relations between each others, maybe even military relations and therefore making them stronger together in global arena.
How do people whole live on those...
I searched that society and apparently they are that kinda people who dream about UK becoming another great player on it’s own by leading ”commonwealth empire version 2.0” or something like that.
What do Pakistanis think about joining into that kinda union? Do you see benefits if that happened?