I totally Agree.
But to be honest to say, PN is **** !!
I don't like PN !!
But still if they're are going for AEW&C Aircrafts for PN then atleast 4 should be on the line
PN needs budget, it lacks funds
and if they're going for Destroyer in 2018, then in my opinion....... it...
Great News....... I hope it come up :)
But PN should order atleast 4 P3-Cs with AWACS fitted. That would give PN a blanket radar coverage at the Coastal areas of Pakistan.
The Mullah which are being feared by Everyone here have an Organization know as "Haiya". This Organization has organized Land Cruisers for a Mullah who have a Policeman sitting with him in the Cruiser. Their Responsibility is to ensure that no Young Man is Eying on a Young Girl or no Young...
Well.......... The one with Guizhou WS-13 Engine is the "PT-06".
There is no question about that bcoz it's Engine's nozzle is totally different in looks against the RD-93.