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  1. G

    Mumbai violence: Reinventing the Muslim victimhood stance

    Who cares if a couple of unemployed and brainwashed youth died in police firing in mumbai when a muslim protest turned violent. I mean lets face the facts, the people who will participate in such an event are unemployed, brainwashed, non- contributing to their nation's progress and religious...
  2. G

    Jihadis cheat bosses, pocket terror funds

    Yeah a few muslim countries are doing well, but its only because of their petro- dollars. Their scientific and education institutions stand nowhere in the world. Thats why your so called well doing muslim nations are lining to sigh MOUs with indian institutions for their technology and education...
  3. G

    Jihadis cheat bosses, pocket terror funds

    You can go and compare muslims with others worldwide and you will arrive to a point that muslims lag in every field everywhere. Its their fault only, clearly muslims do not have modern education at the top in their minds, they themselves are responsible for their sorry state. Muslims are in a...
  4. G

    Jihadis cheat bosses, pocket terror funds

    MUMBAI: Can dedicated jihadis involved in acts of terrorism also be selfish cheats out to line their own pocket? The answer seems to be a resounding yes going by the investigations into several bomb blast cases in the country. Not only foot-soldiers but even the top brass of the banned outfit...
  5. G

    India tests N-capable Agni-I missile

    Just waiting for Pakistan's response with a couple of "Indigenous" Chinese or North Korean made (or smuggled or whatever) missile test!!:lol::lol:
  6. G

    'God particle' announcement expected

    Yeah and one fine day there was a god who got up and created stars, planet, living organisms, animals and this one super duper intelligent creature called man and he put the home of man, i.e. earth, at the center of the universe. Right??? Even god would be laughing his a$$ off on jerks like...
  7. G

    Tejas completes advanced weapon trials

    Dear Asim Aquil, You have received an infraction at Pakistan Defence Forum. Reason: Low Quality Post ------- Insulted Other's Pride ------- Trolling ------- This infraction is worth 1 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire. All...
  8. G

    26/11: Abu Jundal names same Pak army officers as Headley did

    MUMBAI: The statements of American jihadi David Headley and alleged 26/11 handler Zabihuddin Ansari, alias Abu Jundal, match in one key respect: they have both named the same three Pakistani officials as being involved in the planning and execution of the 26/11 attacks. Sources in the...
  9. G

    Pakistan says Mumbai attackers were helped by 40 Indians

    So tell me, if pakistan is as innocent as you say, then why does it has to explain its innocence at every world forum?? Why every nation on earth blames all the terror activities on pakistan only?? Why is that in almost every terror activity fingers are pointed towards pakistan in some way or...
  10. G

    Pakistan says Mumbai attackers were helped by 40 Indians

    Yeah and you are displaying well about your high IQ. No wonder pakistanis so easily believe in conspiracy theories. They turn their back on truth and keep on justifying that their nation is innocent.
  11. G

    Pakistan says Mumbai attackers were helped by 40 Indians

    Explain this to the entire world mate, they are the one who branded you as the safe heavens of terrorism. Nobody will believe it for even one second that pakistan was not involved in this attack.
  12. G

    Pakistan says Mumbai attackers were helped by 40 Indians

    How did Pak know that there are 40 Indians involved? :azn::azn: Ok here comes the truth: Pakistanis coordinated the entire attack and that is the reason why they know exact number of Indians involved. Its just like Ali baba (ISI) and chaalis chor like thing.:lol::lol: If this is true then...
  13. G

    Neither do we do spying, nor we send spies - Indian Home Secetary

    Indian authorities are falling to pakistani level by making such idiotic statements.
  14. G

    Recite OHM when you need help from GOD.

    Could you please post some links regarding what you wrote in your post, might be an interesting read.
  15. G

    A Question Of Moral

    Do you think pakistani army is stupid enough to shoot on NATO and the americans?? Your famed AASMANI ARMY and LAND OF PURE will be wiped out of the map and no UMMAH will be able to save you. Seems like its you whose thoughts are coming straight from your farting a$$. I think this is a...
  16. G

    A Question Of Moral

    Pretty thin?? Doesn't this factor(can't shoot the enemy) along with others i mentioned can depress and frustrate a soldier?? I never said that this was the only factor, but it is a significant one too!!
  17. G

    A Question Of Moral

    Can't this "heat of the battle" and "collateral damage" theory applied to the indian soldiers as well?? :azn::azn: Also, no body is denying fake encounters, all these occur due to reasons mentioned in my previous post, happens in india, happens in pakistan, happens everywhere. In india though...
  18. G

    A Question Of Moral

    Actually, paksitani army is answerable to no one, it can shoot first and think later. But life of an indian soldier is much difficult, he has to think first and shoot later. Indian army knows its enemies and their support structure but the thing is that indian govt. pathetic vote bank policy is...
  19. G

    Spark completes 17,000 posts!

    Congrats spark for this huge achievement!!:partay::partay: Keep up the good work:tup::tup:
  20. G

    Pakistan got the higest internet users in South Asia

    Me living in a fool's paradise?? To the world it seems there is only one fool's paradise on earth that is called pakistan where people are too blind to see the truth about themselves.
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