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  1. JusticeDenied

    Recently Released Shocking Pictures of 9/11

    Although there is a lot gof convincing information regarding 9/11 theories, I still believe it was muslims ( can we still call them that? ) who did it.
  2. JusticeDenied

    Official: U.S. Military to Set Up New Training Centers Inside Pakistan

    You need to learn how to connect the dots. If thats the case, why does the US taking all the heat for the Iraq/Afghan occupation? I mean come on! There were at least 21 non-US military forces in the Iraq setup. (Iraq Coalition - Non-US Forces in Iraq) The point is that the US is playing the...
  3. JusticeDenied

    Taliban claim militants killed 15 US-led troops

    Lets see, Pakistan and Saudia Arabia were the first to declare their diplomatic ties after the fall of Hazara with the help of ISI. of course, Pakistan had good intention and so did SA. Iran never supported the Taliban due to obvious reasons. Actually, no one explicitly supports the Taliban...
  4. JusticeDenied

    Official: U.S. Military to Set Up New Training Centers Inside Pakistan

    Yeah but dont forget, they trained the Mujahideen in the 80's. American friendship is like a hot meal. Eat as much as you can while its hot, you never know when they turn around.
  5. JusticeDenied

    Taliban claim militants killed 15 US-led troops

    "And you sit in a Western country, living of Western benefits and yet cursing NATO forces? What do you say about your hypocrisy? " Excuse me Sir, we can live wherever the hell we want. I pay my taxes and I serve my country as a loyal citizen. But I will not keep quiet when it is time to speak...
  6. JusticeDenied

    if ?

    Yes, they are assassins. But I think the ISI has knowledge of their whereabouts. PC Peshawar? Taliban attack? I don't think so. There are elements within the ISI with the manhood to stand up against real terrorists like Xe. But then there are cowards who assist them as well. Pakistani...
  7. JusticeDenied

    US anti-terror trainers reject Karachi, want new base near Nilore nuclear plant

    sympathizers? I dont believe shedding blood helps anyone. But I think bashing Indians wont bring any change to the state of Pakistan. Believe me, Indians can get visas way faster than any Pakistani. Didnt you read about the ban of 14 countries? I personally think its a stupid decision, but thats...
  8. JusticeDenied

    US anti-terror trainers reject Karachi, want new base near Nilore nuclear plant

    No, I am just pointing out that Pakistanis are willing to let everything behind just to set foot in a first world country. I would do the same. I visited Pakistan in July 2007 when the Red Mosque issue was ablaze. Pakistanis killing Pakistanis. Thank God I wasn't in that mosque. no...
  9. JusticeDenied

    US anti-terror trainers reject Karachi, want new base near Nilore nuclear plant

    Well I dont have a problem washing dishes. I do have a problem with people who think its bad. After all, we make an honest living. Some Indians aren't any better either. I am not generalizing that every Pakistani like you. But suggesting that they leave is like asking a boss to leave the...
  10. JusticeDenied

    US anti-terror trainers reject Karachi, want new base near Nilore nuclear plant

    Please stop waiting in long lines in front of the embassy. We have enough dish washers.
  11. JusticeDenied

    if ?

    Well there is no question that mercenaries exist in Pakistan. I wont say much, but I know some agencies are working hand-in-hand with these organizations. People tend to look for "white" people when they look for intruders. Guess what? The terrorist that blow themselves up are among you, they...
  12. JusticeDenied

    Detained Americans complain of torture in Pakistan

    Of the system , I meant the progress of society based on individual excellence and talent. I dont support the western leaders anymore that I do GoP. But when it comes to war, we cannot take actions blindly without consequence. Abu Ghurab, Gitmo and CIA prison cells did not help this war end. We...
  13. JusticeDenied

    The West Serves Israel

    Nothing goes without reason when America makes its decisions. The key officials making these decisions tend to be affiliated with a certain group or race. Jewish Americans make up for a good portion of political authority in America. America gains from Israel as well. The Zionists keep an...
  14. JusticeDenied

    Detained Americans complain of torture in Pakistan

    I don't understand why Pakistanis have a double standard. These allegations of torture are used as propaganda tools by Taliban for recruitment. This whole war against terror has purpose - that we have a system and an ideology better than what terrorist have to offer. If we chose to divert...
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