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    Spy crimes on Azerbijan by Iran intensifies

    Iranian-Azerbaijani relations, which were recovering from a recent blow (see EDM, April 23), have begun to worsen again. An apparent spy war has erupted between the two countries, leading to unprecedented statements from both sides. The latest deterioration in relations began when Azerbaijani...
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    Turkiyes defense exports may well surpass 2$ billion.

    I hope we get out t-129 soon.
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    Negative attitudes toward Iran increasing among Turks, survey shows

    Iranians also have negative image in Azerbaijan. I don't have to explain why I guess.
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    Iranian Ambassador: “Azerbaijan-Israel relations are not strategic”

    Baku. Konul Jafarli – APA. Iran’s ambassador to Azerbaijan Mohsen Pak Ayeen spoke about Azerbaijan-Israel relations, and its impact on Iran-Azerbaijan relations, APA reports quoting ISNA. The Ambassador said that Azerbaijan-Israel relations are not strategic: “In fact, no Muslim country can...
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    25-26 February 1992 Hocal Massacre

    Was are these Armenians doing in Turkish section? :/
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    Obama to tell Netanyahu US gearing up for Iran strike

    Netanyahu understands this is the only way for peace. I personally support his cause.
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    Iranians can ‘wipe out’ Israel if attacked: Ahmadinejad

    Why can't he just act instead of threatening , we will whipe out this country or we will attack that country. This lousy talk only damages the image of Iran. Nobody will take you serious.
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    Jordan welcomes 'big brother' Turkey’s return to Middle East

    Some people need to calm down.
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    Commission urges members to speed up Turkey's accession

    Why does Turkey want to join EU? It is a sinking ship, with loosers such as Greeks.
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    Jordan welcomes 'big brother' Turkey’s return to Middle East

    Why do you talk like watching Turkish series is bad? If your family loves watching Turkish series they should. In Azerbaijan it is also populiar
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    Iranians can ‘wipe out’ Israel if attacked: Ahmadinejad

    This is not the first time we hear big words from a small man. Iran can't do anything, so Ahmadinejad talks with big words to compensate it.
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    Iran's envoy to Azerbaijan claims Turkey spreading pan-Turkism

    Azeri people need freedom from Iran. Ethnic Persian, who is a minority in Iran is just too fanatic, and they try to keep the upper hand with dictatorship and authoritarianism. One day this will back-fire on them. Azeri have allegiance to Turks. Iranians try to split Turkish brothership with...
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    AFTAB ( Iranian space monkey )

    Western news already exposed this was fake. And by the way, others have done this 100 years ago and they still have to fake it.
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    Iran's envoy to Azerbaijan claims Turkey spreading pan-Turkism

    Iran won't allow Azeri to have freedom. They don't even allow freedom to Syrian people but support dicatators. Only way for Azeri in Iran to get freedom is when it joins North-Azerbaijan
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    US doubts Iran’s ‘successful’ monkey space mission

    I agree with them. Iran is not the most reliable country around. If they wanted to prove everybody they did it they would have invited international observers. They didn't. This tells the whole story.
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    Let's get the facts straight about Iran's space monkey

    It is not even a big achievement. Most countries didn't even report this "big achievement" of Iranians.
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    Mahmoud Ahmadinejad 'wants to be first Iranian in space'

    I guess he is jealous on that monkey. I would be a funny sight though. He thinks Iran is developed because it shot a missile in space. Every country can do that.
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