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  1. O

    Why Whites, not Chinese, dominated the world despite inventions

    Yes and I find it very interesting that the description of Asuras by Bhagwan Sri Krishna ji in Bhagwad Gita is absolutely true for the white Mlechhas: Attributes of the Asuras, which lead to bondage: Ostentation (even in worship), arrogance, self-conceit, anger, rudeness, ignorance, bad...
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    Why Whites, not Chinese, dominated the world despite inventions

    Can you please ask your friend @whitemansburden to refrain from derailing the threads.. We are just responding to him as he thinks that white supremacy allows him the right to barge in anywhere and peddle his wares.
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    Why Whites, not Chinese, dominated the world despite inventions

    Story of Vasistha Rishi and Indra... Vasistha Risha had devoted his life to the study of Vedas... When his time came he prayed to Indra... Indra appeared... Vasistha Muni asked for the boon that his life may be prolonged by another lifetime... Boon was granted... Study of vedas continued...
  4. O

    Surprise - Many Chinese provinces already high-income/1st Wor

    No need to argue with Mlechas ... their brain works in a different way..... We dont need their certificate to tell us who we are.....we would rather believe what is in our itihasa.......
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    Why Whites, not Chinese, dominated the world despite inventions

    For Hindus, Vedas are the word of God...just as Quran is for Muslims Please do not insult our religious texts....unless you want yours to be insulted too...
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    Why Whites, not Chinese, dominated the world despite inventions

    Do not argue with this moron... Neither he nor his exalted Indologists know a word of Sanskrit... Let him believe whatever crap he does... And do not look up the meaning of the Vedas from the English translations (Griffith etc)...It is utter crap... There are good Indian language translations...
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    Exclusive: India Strike Force Allows ‘War on Two Fronts’

    With just 3 extra Mountain Combat Divisions a two front war can be fought. I m afraid the learned professor is just talking through his hat.:cuckoo:
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    EXCLUSIVE : Was PRE-ISLAMIC ARABIA Hindu Nation ? Un Told Arabian Tales

    But Zend Avestan is very similar to the Vedas. And Gods such as Mitra (Mithra) are common. So there has to be a deep connection. And Ahura is definitely Asura because they change s to H in Persian.
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    Why Whites, not Chinese, dominated the world despite inventions

    Operated under a disguise during banwas period... :D
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    Why Whites, not Chinese, dominated the world despite inventions

    Welcome back.....:yahoo: As if the Chinese were not enough, we now have some white supremacists peddling their stuff..
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    Why Whites, not Chinese, dominated the world despite inventions

    Please.....:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall: This is not stormfront.org Why do you persist in posting stuff that hardly interests anyone here. Do you realize that you sound just like a senile old man in the eve of life who bores everyone with his reminiscences of the past great years.
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    Ishrat Jahan case: Intelligence won’t survive the investigation

    Sorry. Not for me.. Cant trust Congress with such sweeping powers.
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    Ishrat Jahan case: Intelligence won’t survive the investigation

    So we have to find our own shade of grey... So why create confusion... Either ur clear about what u will do in next elections, and if u are- enthuse others --- no ifs and buts. they will only weaken your and their resolve. I am clear - too proud to be ruled by a foreigner from a beggar country...
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    Ishrat Jahan case: Intelligence won’t survive the investigation

    Are you one of those who hates politics, or thinks it optional to the life of the citizens? I can see your hatred pouring from each word of your post.
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    Ishrat Jahan case: Intelligence won’t survive the investigation

    The case is all messed up anyway.. based on confessional of Aseemanand likely extracted through torture... Hardly any hope of conviction. Good thing the CMs, especially Modi, opposed National Counter Terrorism Centre... whole Idea was to inflate number of "Hindu terror cases" Its a...
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    Why China will be Super Power and India will NOT !

    Yes, I m hopeful too. US is set for self destruct. Only question is whether it will go alone or take the world with it.
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    Ishrat Jahan case: Intelligence won’t survive the investigation

    The problem with Hindus is that they create equations with too many variables. That we are too intellectual, too indecisive, and hopelessly idealist to boot. If you consider too many things, you will probably not go to vote at all. I dont want a lily white party. For all I know, BJP may be even...
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    Ishrat Jahan case: Intelligence won’t survive the investigation

    no, No...he is talking about the Samjhauta express and Malegaon blasts... Im not being harsh with him.
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    Why China will be Super Power and India will NOT !

    Its not that. You cant build a real elite on alien, European theories. One has to develop a unique, national worldview along with a civilizational mission. The Chinese never gave up their traditions, ethos and language. Thats why they survive as an unbroken civilization...while we have largely...
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    Ishrat Jahan case: Intelligence won’t survive the investigation

    There is no Right wing terrorism... you have swallowed Congress propaganda hook, line and sinker.
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