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  1. O

    Plot to kill Modi and many BJP leaders

    Yes.. I will.. And you will see it too.
  2. O

    Plot to kill Modi and many BJP leaders

    The future will tell us whose days were numbered. As of now, the drift is clear to all except the ideologically blinded..head in the sand leftists.
  3. O

    Why the world’s biggest democracy still fails too many of its people

    The nation concept itself is just a couple of hundred years old. in 1400 AD, was France a nation...or Germany? Nation is a western concept the idea of which is based on a small homogenous population occupying a contiguous area. Old civilizations such as India and China were never nations in the...
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    Plot to kill Modi and many BJP leaders

    I quite understand your frustration. The left liberal ideology is not going anywhere....it is over. Not only in India but the world over. So the best that left liberals can do is to vent their impotent spleen through abusive outpourings. They can only watch with horror as human societies...
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    Plot to kill Modi and many BJP leaders

    Thats not even funny.
  6. O

    Plot to kill Modi and many BJP leaders

    What I do in real life is of no concern to you. Stick to the discussion if you have anything worthwhile to say. As for you, I now have a fairly good idea of your profile and your motives on this forum.
  7. O

    Plot to kill Modi and many BJP leaders

    Dharma permeates all religious scriptures but it is mainly through narratives rather than mandatory prescriptions. Also, Hinduism believes that different persons are at different levels of spiritual development and each will imbibe the teachings of the scriptures according to his capacity. So...
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    Plot to kill Modi and many BJP leaders

    Hmm... I do not quite agree with your utilitarian model of law. Why then are laws for protection of the weak? Or punishments for raping a destitute women. I rather feel that there is something more innate which is codified as formal laws.
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    Plot to kill Modi and many BJP leaders

    The difference is that there is no codified "word of god" but only guidelines for righteous living. What is Bhagwadgita if not a code of Dharma. By way of analogy, Abrahmic religions can be said to have penal codes - mostly black and white, while the dharmic religions have a library of books on...
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    Plot to kill Modi and many BJP leaders

    But rules cannot be arbitrary or the players will revolt. It has to be based on common consent, which often arises from a visceral sense of right and wrong - almost a hard wired code.
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    Plot to kill Modi and many BJP leaders

    Yes, but laws, by and large have a common moral and ethical core. And for the religious, it comes from the wisdom contained in his religion. In a Hindu India, laws would be based on dharma, and not on an alien Anglo- Saxon code which makes the judicial process so opaque ,frustrating and...
  12. O

    Plot to kill Modi and many BJP leaders

    And how is it that laws in most countries have almost identical conceptions of right and wrong? Is it not a strange coincidence? How is it that humans, who are simply aggregations of dead matter as per atheism, are able to reach consensus on ethics?
  13. O

    Plot to kill Modi and many BJP leaders

    There is a difference between written and unwritten mandate. MHA can and will deny sanction if the act was done in good faith.
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    Plot to kill Modi and many BJP leaders

    Why do you degenerate into name calling at the drop of a hat. it simply reveals the weakness of your position. Suffice to say that I have some knowledge of these matters.
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    Plot to kill Modi and many BJP leaders

    Do we need exaggeration every time.... is it always all or none? ... Is there something called calibrated response or are we simply robots ? Sanatan Dharma makes a clear distinction between sadharan dharma and apad dharma. Nobody is advocating that the police kill all criminals without trial...
  16. O

    Plot to kill Modi and many BJP leaders

    Why should it lead to anarchy if terrorists are eliminated? Is it the first time an encounter has happened? Encounters have been common since many many years now. In Mumbai, entire gangs were killed. So, did Mumbai become anarchic or a lawful place?
  17. O

    Plot to kill Modi and many BJP leaders

    Im sorry but you are rather ignorant of the criminal law. Sec 109 CrPC is a provision which allows preventive detention if a person is suspected of planning to commit a crime. However, the police have to convince a magistrate and the maximum detention is for a month or so after which the person...
  18. O

    Plot to kill Modi and many BJP leaders

    Since you are an atheist, what is your yardstick for right and wrong. I mean, a theist can always fall back upon the scriptures. As a Hindu, for me dharma provides the guidance for my course through life even though I may not be able to follow it at all times . But an atheist must believe in a...
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    Plot to kill Modi and many BJP leaders

    The Intelligence Bureau is not simply a messenger boy to pass inputs to the states. It is fully involved in "dirty" activities which someone has to do to keep the country safe. Was it not revealed that the IB was involved in interrogation of the terrorists? Why do you think they had a cache of...
  20. O

    Plot to kill Modi and many BJP leaders

    And before you do further hair splitting, let me tell you that all reports are submitted to the court as part of an affidavit.
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