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  1. TheWhiteFalcon77

    Now China sets up camps, hoists flag in Bhutan!

    Believe what you want. I am DONE with you. There are many WHITE AMERICANS that strongly dislike Hinduism, and respect the Abrahamic faiths. I'm done arguing with you though, too ignorant. I will prove to you that I am a White American. I'm not sure how comfortable I am with you seeing a picture...
  2. TheWhiteFalcon77

    Now China sets up camps, hoists flag in Bhutan!

    Actually no, again I am not a Pakistani. As I have told your countrymen on this forum before, I can indeed PROVE I am an American. Though most of you are too thick to realize you are wrong! It is time you accept that there are WHITE AMERICANS who do not like India or Indians. Or maybe you didn't...
  3. TheWhiteFalcon77

    Now China sets up camps, hoists flag in Bhutan!

    Well you are dead wrong. But then again common trait from your country. Nothing but it. You know nothing of America in any way shape or form. And rednecks don't know how to use the internet? Those "rednecks," have an entire news channel called FOX news (though it is terrible), many of them have...
  4. TheWhiteFalcon77

    Did Kerry snub Islamabad?

    In reality there are 3 Americas. The Government, The Military, and the CIA. The American Armed Forces hold the nation of Pakistan in the highest regards of the three. They wish to have the closest and most workable relations. The Obama administration also wishes to see stability and improvements...
  5. TheWhiteFalcon77

    Now China sets up camps, hoists flag in Bhutan!

    Actually no, not at all. Your sister is a foreigner who doesn't understand America (California is a more tolerant state in general). I'm a White American, born and raised here. I have not a single drop of Chinese, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Sri Lankan, or any other country you may accuse me of...
  6. TheWhiteFalcon77

    Now China sets up camps, hoists flag in Bhutan!

    My PLA? I'm not Chinese. Nor am I Pakistani, Bangladeshi, or Sri Lankan. I have been labeled multiple times on this board by your fellow countrymen. Why? Is it hard to digest that an American does not like, or support India? And no you will not annex Bhuttan, we (America) will never allow it.
  7. TheWhiteFalcon77

    Forget Nato v the Taliban. The real Afghan fight is India v Pakistan

    This is because it is not official yet. I need not prove my point to you, history will absolve me. All I will say is this, keep all eyes on Doha, everything is going to change very soon. The U.S. will leave in full force, in exchange the Taliban will make concessions (one of few being...
  8. TheWhiteFalcon77

    Forget Nato v the Taliban. The real Afghan fight is India v Pakistan

    Firstly I'm not Pakistani. So maybe you shouldn't jump to conclusions? Is it a common problem in your country? Second I don't see how my post count correlates with my connections, and relations in the real world? Oh that is right, you must never have heard of people having a LIFE outside of the...
  9. TheWhiteFalcon77

    Now China sets up camps, hoists flag in Bhutan!

    The more I hear from Indians from India on this thread the more disgusted I become. Why is India concerned about what is happening in Bhutan? Last I checked Bhutan was an independent nation. Indians here call China the next USSR, yet are openly calling for the annexation of Bhutan! Oh and last I...
  10. TheWhiteFalcon77

    Did Kerry snub Islamabad?

    As the official rep from CENTCOM said, ignore the Indian trolls. India has long attempted to play America off against Pakistan, and my sources confirm this has failed. Secretary Kerry will come to Pakistan to talk in further details very soon. He met General Kayani just recently so everything is...
  11. TheWhiteFalcon77

    Forget Nato v the Taliban. The real Afghan fight is India v Pakistan

    The Indians will not make any inroads into Afghanistan. This is crystal clear. The Taliban will return to power with elements of the Tajiks, Uzbeks, and Hazaras being represented in the government this time. As for the proxy showdown, it has been going on for a long time. Our intelligence has...
  12. TheWhiteFalcon77

    Obama urges gay rights in Africa during trip to Senegal

    Obama needs to focus on foreign wars, the economy, job creation, and how about PRISM and Snowden? For once it would be nice if an American President cared about America first...
  13. TheWhiteFalcon77

    Textbook biases: ‘Our schools are extremism factories’

    Indians are champions of hypocrisy. Even if Pakistan has textbook bias, all nations distort the truth. They aren't alone. For instance, in America, we are taught the U.S. won World War 2, completely ignoring the brutal Eastern Front, and all of the contributions of the Soviets. Indians if...
  14. TheWhiteFalcon77

    They just don’t care: Israeli Backpackers in India

    What you are doing is a classic case of turning an argument on its head. Instead of bringing the U.S. and its experiences and relations in the world into the argument, focus on your own nation. You haven’t proven once how Israel needs you; instead you spend more time attacking America. I...
  15. TheWhiteFalcon77

    They just don’t care: Israeli Backpackers in India

    Israel can survive without India. This is a fact. As to your point about changes in relations between nation’s states this is only partly true. America will never abandon Israel; the defense of Israel is a key part of the national debate in even the Presidential elections. Obama and Hagel may...
  16. TheWhiteFalcon77

    They just don’t care: Israeli Backpackers in India

    You are a blind fool if you believe Israel needs India in any way shape or form. As long as America stands on this earth, Israel needs no other nation for international or diplomatic support. America has both veto power in the UNSC as well as the most influence over world states. India? What...
  17. TheWhiteFalcon77

    They just don’t care: Israeli Backpackers in India

    I understand that. And I noted that during my first paragraph. I said and quote "there are good and bad people in all races (including Israelis)." But in general I'm getting the feeling that many Indians are blindly defending (i.e. being apologetic for) Israelis because of political alliances...
  18. TheWhiteFalcon77

    They just don’t care: Israeli Backpackers in India

    The amount of Indian Apologists in this thread is too damn high! But in all reality there are good and bad people in all races (including Israelis). But Israelis in particular though suffer from a superiority complex rarely found in others. It is based on their "God's Chosen People" mindset...
  19. TheWhiteFalcon77

    Pakistan second 'most unpopular country' in the world: Poll

    These polls are not even worth looking at. They suffer from political agendas, and sample population selection. For instance, if I poll people in Texas, Tennessee, & Nebraska. It would seem as if all Americans hate Obama & believe he is a secret Communist, Muslim, America destroying Anti-Christ...
  20. TheWhiteFalcon77

    IAF Chief: S-300 is En Route to Syria; Surprise War is Possible

    During the days of the USSR things were different. Putin isn't bluffing, he's not going to back down like Khrushchev. Those missiles were sent in for a reason, to prevent foreign forces from entering. Putin made Kerry sit for three hours before meeting him, and made it as clear as possible to...
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