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  1. M

    Gwadar port city development project | News and Updates

    The CIA... Lol! No, it's just some academia assignment... No Press. Promise! I have checked [whatever] news sources I could... I now need an interview-like assessment, update. The news is still incomplete regarding the updates on Gwadar. Most news is a few months old. Of course, Zardari and...
  2. M

    Gwadar port city development project | News and Updates

    @ Omar1984 Omar Sb, I am just a new member here, and primarily attained membership so that I could come here and ask about the Gwadar situation. Sorry, I'd rather PM or VM, but I have no post counts, so... But I dont have much time left in the work I am doing. I require your expert input...
  3. M

    Pakistan possesses various ICBMs which have a range of 9000+ kilometres

    I hope sanctions wont... just... fall through, like they usually... I mean, ALWAYS do.
  4. M

    Egypt’s Popular Anger Shifts to Israel and Saudi Arabia

    But I wouldn't overlook India's achievements lately... Actions do speak louder. The development you guys have made in the last few years... it's astounding.
  5. M

    Taliban militants behead 2 Pakistani soldiers

    We kill them, they kills us. We kill them back... Say hello to another vicious cycle.
  6. M

    Saudi Arabia is Israel’s last hope: report

    As ironic as it sounds... BTW, has Saudi Arabia recognized Israel yet? We haven't, but have they?
  7. M

    Military Aviation Modelling : JF-17

    That is pretty neat. And the detail is indeed fine...
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